My Own Come Together Now
Sep 19, 2019, 6:53 AM
Only a Grain of Sand
September 9, 2019
The walls, the barriers between the different denominations, in My House, My Church must collapse. Now! You must join hands, and become one Body of believers in Christ Jesus the Messiah.
Those that continue to criticise other members of My Body, are in sin. As the perscecutions intensify across the globe, and become international law, you will realize that differences, must be disolved, among all Christians. You must come together as one, to succor, protect, and save each other, from the beast system.
I AM demands silence, now, as regards anathematizing, marginalizing, or demonizing members of the Christian Church. Do Not Destroy Each Other! Do not divide My House, My Church. Be agents of Peace & Love & Reconciliation. For the time of fraternal differences is over. Those that continue to feel superior to others, speak harsh words, or work to destroy their Brothers & Sisters in My Body, will suffer at My Hand.
Your Lord & Savior Jesus
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