
My Mom’s Scary Covid Dream! – Exodus Speaks


My Mom’s Scary Covid Dream!

August 22, 2021 2:19 AM
Exodus Speaks

Dream: August 21, 2021

My mom had a very scary covid dream in which she saw the devil in the form of a man. The dream started with her witnessing sheep and lambs running wild in the streets, looking for safety. A beautiful white/beige sheep came up to her and licked her hand. The sheep stayed with her, I believe this meant she rescued it. Then a very tall, thin man appeared in the room. She told him he had to leave because of covid, he laughed at her (regarding lockdowns). The man was after the sheep she rescued in the dream, he turned it into a black dog. It was then she knew the man was the devil. My mom started praying and he began mocking her while taking her voice. What was once a beautiful white creature of God was altered by the devil into something unrecognizable. With barely any voice left she kept calling to God and witnesses the sheep, who was now a dog, turn into a little boy, then a woman. She said it happened very fast. The devil is coming after Gods creation, to change the essence of who we are and what makes us His. The devil comes after both big and small he doesn’t care he wants us all.

Link to the video is here: https://youtu.be/pIAgCCXV9EI

Thank you



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