Voice of Hope
My Precious One,
Rest in My finished work at the Cross and allow My Blood shed on your behalf to speak over you. For I am merciful and gracious toward you and will not treat you as your sins, mistakes, flaws and messes deserve.
I am moved with compassion concerning you. My heart churns within Me; My sympathy is stirred up. As a father pities his children, so does My Heart go out to you.
Soak in the awareness of My mercies through meditation and allow Me to take your sins away from you, as far as the East is from the West.
Come, draw near with boldness to the Mercy Seat through My Blood. Allow Me to remove every guilt, shame, condemnation and take every yoke off you. Let My mercies lift off every burden and weight that has been on you.
My mercies are new over you today. As you receive mercy for yourself, release it also over all who have offended, hurt and mistreated you. Speak My mercies over them. Loose it over them.
The more you release mercy over others, them more open, receptive and responsive you become to My mercies over you.
Your Lord,
Jesus Christ.