Angel Falcione
In prayer I was thinking deeply about God and who he is and what he thinks about me, about all of us, and this is what he told me.
A word from the Holy Spirit
Giving your life to God doesn’t make you special, it makes you obedient. What makes you special is your heart. Your love for me and others. Your willingness to give freely and openly by giving your resources, time, and money to those in need. I look at the heart and judge the condition of it. Is your heart open to give and receive love or are you hardening it because of past hurts?
My love for you I freely give. Your burdens are heavy but my yoke is light. My love is not based on conditions of behavior. I feel the same love for you regardless of your faults or good works.
There is nothing you can do or not do to make me love you more or less. I am love, and it has no levels. It isn’t a substance you can measure. I am beyond your comprehension. One day you will know who I truly am.