My Judgments Begin With The Devastating California Earthquake
January 29, 2022 3:12 PM
Brian Ethier
It will happen in the early hours and without any warning,
An earthquake of such magnitude with such force, terrifying and a shaking;
As it brings immense destruction in minutes to California, My judgments have begun,
As gigantic tsunamis will then overpower everything before the rising of the sun.
Hollywood and many cities will disappear into the ocean, lost for evermore,
As they practice wickedness continually, their evil ways I cannot take anymore;
Oh, how the land cries for recompense for they will simply not repent,
As they ignore, reject, ridicule all words of prophets and messengers that I have sent.
The state of California has been judged and it has been found wanting,
For their love of self, of money, lust, witches, perversion, idolatry, it’s a cesspool of evil abounding;
Doing child sacrifices, lack of compassion for others and so on, yet most people are still sleeping,
As the Great I AM starts to eradicate all evil from Earth, it is now beginning.
The whole world will be reeling and in total shock by all the devastation,
Pray that Believers close by go to their aid with food, shelter, clothing and the Good News of Salvation;
My Warriors of Faith, pray for those who will have lost loved ones, neighbors, friends, homes, everything for it is your mission,
Pray that many will be awakened to Truth and be saved as you fulfill your part in the Great Commission.
Doing child sacrifices, lack of compassion for others and so on, yet most people are still sleeping,
As the Great I AM starts to eradicate all evil from Earth, eradicate all evil from Earth,
Eradicate all evil from Earth, it is now beginning!
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