My Hand of Justice is Upon Your Nation
January 20, 2021 2:05 PM
Message given 1.17.21.
Daughter the end is here. Tribunals, military takeover of your nation and insurrection – you will see the beginning of this. More outbreaks, lawlessness will occur and escalate but My hand of justice is upon your nation. Soon you will see events – a takeover as evil rises up. I will crush and stamp out the tide of Injustice and corruption which has plagued your nation. My children and all who seek Me must draw near, closer than ever before. The tide will rise but I will squelch it. I will overcome saith the Lord of Hosts. My hand is upon this nation America in her final hour. I will use this time of insurrection to call all peoples to Me. I make all things right. I will turn, turn this nation from her evil ways and restore her for a season. The window is closing soon but I will use this time to enact justice upon this land, upon this fallen nation. Come and see the great and mighty things I will do. I will restore saith the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of the Most High who reigns on high.
Amen and Amen
Maranatha I come children soon
Your Lord and King Yeshua
The Great I Am
Scripture Reference:
Deuteronomy 32:35. 35 ‘Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; their foot shall slip in due time; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things to come hasten upon them.’
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