Posted on July 17, 2018
My daughter, write My words for those with ears to hear. My children, it is in My great mercy that I have allowed much time to pass for the lost to be brought in to My sheepfold. Much has transpired across your earth; earthquakes, volcanoes, fire, wind, flooding rain, hail and more. I allow all these things to come upon your earth. My children, not as punishment, My loves, but to display to the lost that there is no other I AM. I am the Creator and desire for all to know Me. I created you to love you, My children, but it will take many earthly calamities to bring some to the point of decision to seek Me. I find no satisfaction in allowing these things to come upon your earth, My loves, but the time grows near that in one way or another I will make all of My creation aware of My presence. It gives Me no pleasure, and in fact brings upon Me great sorrow to see the suffering of My creation, but I know that this is the way it must be, for I desire every heart to turn towards Me, to yearn for Me, for man did not choose to exist in his fallen state. Therefore, My mercy must reign above all else. Just as I have an infinite mercy extended for My creation through space and time, I ask you to have mercy on all of your brethren, for every heart is My creation, whether it has been overcome with evil or has been filled with My Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha’Kodesh. My deaf and blind and hardhearted creation has chosen the way of the enemy in some cases. Even to these, My promise and plan of salvation is offered, and for them, My long suffering knows no bounds. I wish for all of the lost upon your earth, My salvation and redemption, and for not one to be disqualified but to seek Me, even if it has to be through great suffering and terror, for whatever earthly calamities they are faced with, it will not compare at all to being separated from their Creator for eternity. Earthly time is closing in on those who do not choose to seek My face, and though My mercy will extend into times of great trouble, I would never wish the things that will be coming upon your earth to be endured by a single heart that I have created. Receiving Me is effortless, but for those with hardened hearts, they find themselves wrapped up in this world and see no need for their Savior. They will remain here for a time and their need for Me will be made very apparent to them, for in their great suffering, My great mercy will prevail. The times coming upon your earth will be like no other, as people will be seeking death to escape what is to come, for the evil that will be allowed to manifest will strike misery and terror into the hearts of those left behind, and in their terror, they will seek their Creator. Not one eye will fail to see Me as I lift My hand of protection, for all that is right now will be changed, and all that has been prophesied will come to pass. Woe to those who are ensnared by the enemy, for My mercy will only extend to those who receive Me. Call upon Me now, My creation, so you may be spared what is to come, for when you call upon My name, My righteousness will be bestowed upon you, and you will be spared the cup of My wrath. Many souls are awakening to the times you are in on your earth, but there are many more that are ignorant of their very Creator. They are steeped in unbelief and consumed with pride, the pride of the flesh that is blinding them. They go about their days seeking only the pleasures of this world in complete disregard for their Creator. They in no way desire to seek My face but continue to pursue fulfilling the desires of the flesh. Only when they are overwhelmed with the destruction of what is coming upon your earth will their eyes be opened. There are no words to describe adequately the horrors that will be coming upon them, but without these times of turmoil, many more would be lost and separated from Me eternally. It will be the final net that I will cast that they shall not be eternally damned. Just as My entire creation fell under the curse, I provide the only reconciliation unto Myself. My children, those who have received Me, do not live in fear of this day, for you will be protected under My wing. If you have received Me into your heart, you are sealed and will be spared. Though you may see the beginnings of these things to come, set your eyes upon Me and know that your rescue is at hand. I will snatch you up, and you will be brought under My wing, for My perfect sacrifice has been known by your hearts, and it is My promise that you are counted worthy to escape, not by anything you have done, but simply by receiving Me into you heart. I love you, My Children. Yeshua Ha’Mashiach