My Fire
March 29, 2020 9:33 PM
Judy Reynolds
Word given on 3/29/20 during prayer
My Holy People,
your GREAT I AM is in the midst of you now, strongly. I am tenderly watching over you to perform My Word! My righteousness shall prevail among you as you seek to please Me!
I AM Your Way, Your truth, Your life! I am the door and there is no other. Do not doubt when I speak a word to you that sounds strange, new times and a season is upon you now, only seek Me after binding the enemy and I shall confirm to you if it was I who spoke to you.
I AM coming to breathe new life into the tired, and the tired areas of your lives. Be strong in ME now, I AM your only strength and full help now, though I use My people to encourage and share My truth, this will get less for now as I continue to sanctify you and prepare you deep in your souls for all that is to come.I will bring My Holy fire to annoint you freshly when you need it; and you will.
My children, you truly cannot fathom the annointing that will be poured upon your lives. Though darkness grows, comes to reach all levels of life and your countries- My Holy annointing shall fall and be an announcement to the kingdom of darkness that I AM on THE throne and also that I AM on the throne of your hearts! Fear not my lambs for you have been washed clean and purchased with My Very BLOOD!
No weapon formed against you shall prosper. I do not waste anything, all shall be used for My glory so fret not over the small things; only be very diligent to keep your hearts clean before Me. To whom much is given much is required. My servants, My friends- you shall inherit all! My Kingdom-therefore you must continue steadfast unto ME, the only LIGHT you shall have at times.
Let others say what they want, LET them I say, for I let you speak-do I not! Do not argue children. I AM for you and none shall be against you without My permission, refining is for a little while.
ENDURE I say, ENDURE! Hold fast to ME, My WORD, My WAYS and though life gets ever more difficult before I come-you shall enter rest of soul and experience Great Peace! Have I not promised this! I shall do it for you. FAITH, My precious ones, continue toward the goal of a constant state of FAITH! I will gird you. You are not alone. I AM with you EACH step!
My love, My truth, My outstretched hand, My tears alongside of yours, and My great WORD unto you!
I do not have specific scriptures for this Word given, yet when I was finished writing the Lord gave me this scripture I Cor 14: 13-18 and when I read it I didn’t understand and He simply said
“I want them to study this scripture.”
so..that is for some to study. May God bless you with strength and peace and His mighty presence.