
My Commandments – Lastrumpet08

My Commandments – Lastrumpet08

November 05, 2018

My Commandments did not change. It stays the same from generation to generation. I Am Love and I Commanded all of you and not just some, to Love Me First with all your heart, soul and mind, your whole being and then to Love your neighbor as yourselves. You must be wise. I did not Change. Do not be deceived. You must all change for good and be obedient children of Light and not of darkness.

This is a wicked generation, young and old, parents and children are alike. They have no fear and no reverence for Me and that is why you see all the upheaval, turmoil in the world. Many choose to love darkness more than Light and that is why their deeds are evil and not good. They choose wrong, they are foolish and will also bear the consequences. I will not strive with anyone forever. The wages of sin is death.

satan causes many to perish. They will end up at the wrong end destination if they do not repent in time but continue to be disobedient and listen to satan, the father of all lies, the destroyer, a murderer from the beginning. You must not fall prey to him. Give hatred, unforgiveness no foothold in your lives. Resist satan and he will flee. Seek Life not death.

It is not My Will that anyone perish but that all repent to have Eternal Life. Repent and turn from your wrongful ways and I will accept you. I find no pleasure in the death of a sinner. I Died for all out of Love on The Cross. Repent because there will be no mercy without true remorseful repentance for the disobedient. All disobedience will be punished.

Be different and do everything in and out of Love. Do not repay evil with evil but with good. Love all and do not hate, bless all and do not curse. Love conquers all evil. If I Am your First Love then you will Love others also. Be an overcomer with Love.

“JESUS Replied: Love The Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the First and Greatest Commandment. 39 And the Second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. 40 ALL the Law and the Prophets hang on THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS.” Matthew 22:37-40


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