My Children…
December 7, 2022
LaShonda Gibbs
While in prayer this is what I heard in my Spirit:
My children, I AM not a God who would lie. My children, many of you are stiff neck and rebellious in these end times I have sent My messengers to warn you about. My children, famine will soon hit this great nation. My children, war will soon hit this great nation. My children, soon the Antichrist will be revealed to those of you whom do not know who he is. My children, darkness will continue to take over this great nation. My children, I AM no longer protecting this great nation that now serves satan. My children, I AM warning you because I want no one to perish. My children, come out of the world. My children, seeking Me with your whole heart should be a priority. My children, repenting of your sins you have committed against Me should be a priority. My children, forgiving your enemies should be a priority. My children, loving your neighbor as you love yourself should be a priority. My children, worshipping Me in Spirit and in Truth should be a priority. My children, living a life of holiness should be a priority. My children, soon I will return. Shalom
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