My Anger and Wrath
March 23, 2020 4:57 PM
Sue Piccini
Luke 3:7, John 3:6, Romans 1:18 & Romans 2:5
“ Anger and Wrath have I none until you turn against Me. The Hearts of men do grow cold and hardened against Me, therefore, they have felt in the past and will feel again, My anger and My wrath come against them. My heart truly does break at the distrust and unwilling hearts that I have faced in the past and am facing again today.”
“ My Anger and Wrath against the World and the peoples of the World has been aroused once again and there will be a price to pay for those actions. I will send plagues, pestilence and other disasters upon the Earth in hopes that there will still be those who will see, hear and understand that I Am, will save them if they will turn from their Evil Wicked ways and come to Me. If they do, I will have Mercy on them and Save them. I Love My Creation, but most of them do not return that Love and therefore, they will die in their Sins.”
“ Those who Truly Love Me and are Watching and Waiting for My Return, will soon be home with Me.”
Yeshua Ha Mashiach!!
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