More Puzzle Pieces Fitting Together
8/18/24 1:10 AM
Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime (some for good, and some for bad). The ships (USS) are getting into place. Much will happen fast now. Like dominoes, each piece being part of the whole are lined up in their correct places. As they play their part much is revealed to those paying attention. As each piece falls it uncovers more truths, exposes those who are complicit in crimes against humanity, and shows us who truly is in charge (God almighty). Each domino is set in place and can’t be stopped. My Words are those pieces that are set out to accomplish what they were meant to do, spoken so long ago. We are now at the precipice of the start of it all. Hold on to your seat for it is a bumpy ride.
Those who know and believe in all I can do for them, will be on steady ground. Have no fear for fear is not part of me. Each will start to take their places, all lined up in a row, doing what is necessary to save my children; for I will not lose one my father has given me.
Each day forward will start to reveal more puzzle pieces all fitting together to reflect my Words. I Am those Words.