Mirror My Kingdom
January 2, 2024
This life is not about just getting thru it. It is about learning, experiencing, giving, loving, knowing, showing who we are thru our deeds and our hearts directions we take on a daily basis.
It is not about what TV show we can watch, but the quality time we spend watching it with someone. As we learn who we are, thru what choices have been made, we slowly mold ourselves into the likeness of our creator, becoming one with him. Most everything we learn, has purpose. It is a lesson that steers us in the correct direction if we are experiencing correctly. Correctly, what does that truly mean? Finding the right way over the wrong way. Doing what works best to obtain your desired goals. Watching how someone relates to you when you show yourself one way vs another. There is always perfection that can be obtained, tweaked, and modified to change and modify outcomes.
One of my children might take 100 times to get to the goal while another might accomplish the same goal in a few tries. It is not how many tries but moving in a forward direction with purpose that mirrors my Kingdom.
It is empathy for others, you come in contact with. It is putting yourself in their shoes rather than being stuck in your shoes and mind frame. How can you be of service to others while staying on the narrow path? Try to find your purpose in this life, try to be there for others, try to be who you were meant to be.
**We are all learning, experiencing as our time on Earth is limited. Walk in your creator’s ways, for his walk on Earth was perfect and an example of how it should be done. Learn about his life, for it is much easier to emulate something when you know what needs to be emulated.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos