Military Takeover of Government
1/31/25 4:01 PM
Sammy Omosh
On 18/1/25 at around 5.30am,I was caught up in this perplexing vision.i saw many milit ary trucks with soldiers riding on them.They were blocking all major roads rendering them in-accessible to traffic and pedestrian s.There was ZERO movement logistically speaking.The message that was being relayed was that “The military was now in charge.The Guard of the house has now become the boss.”I was transported to another family house within the city.i heard a man saying -“I tried to find my bearing towa rds home, but for some reason I could not reach home, given the prevailing circumsta nces.He went on to say-“I spent the night at my friend’s place in Donholm.”Everybody was immersed in the ‘Breaking News’of the moment.On waking up,I had a knowing that this will be the fate of many people who will pay the price for being caught off guard. Equally don’t rule out the possibility of a communication shut down,if they find it necessary. Sometime in November 2024,in yet another revelation,I was talking to someone I know on phone.He told me he cannot travel from the city he lives in,to another city he wanted to go to .I could tell the city had been ‘barric aded’.(No going out or coming in.). Many months ago,while asleep,I heard loud sound of gunshots. This will be one of the sudden Event phenomenon,we have been warned about before.You will not go about your daily business,No accessing the CBD,all the premi ses you know of will be closed.The likelihoo d of the airspace being closed cannot be ruled out.How will the critically ill access medicare in our hospitals in that time? While I was thinking of what I was shown that weekend,this word came to my spirit – ‘Remember your trip to Lamu years ago.What you experienced then,is what many will go through in that time.’Let me narrate in a nutshell what happened.i was traveling in a bus from Nairobi going to Mombasa at night..The bus stalled at 1am suddenly and we were around the Tsavo National park area .No matter how many times the driver started the ignition,it won,t start.We were instructed not to open any window or to go out for whatever was not until 9am when the changeover bus arrived.We arrived at lunch time and I went to a family friend,s home until the next morning when I left for Lamu.When we reached Malindi during stop over I didn’t buy what I needed for the journey, thinking that I would do so ahead.The route became more and more remote and even at a time 2 armed Cops entered the bus to escort it for a while in a bandit prone area .The road was rough and dusty til we reached out destination.i remained hungry for the entire trip til evenin g.(Buy what u need now and don’t assume u have much time to do so.).The only good experience I had then was the quietness of the place.There are no vehicles there, but only boats(motor or Swahili dhows.)My work mate then in this region secured a good place for me to stay for a no of days.By God,s grace the return journey was 90 min. One time I attended a month long workshop in Mombasa.i was staying in the same home I have mentioned above.One fine weekend I decided to visit Malindi from Mombasa to and fro.i left in the morning hoping to be back before 7pm . When we arrived in Watamu,the vehicles were moving slowly. There was a military barricade ahead.Their was an incident that happened in the vicinity of this area that warranted such action.The PASS word was to show your identification document, failure to which you are spanked on the spot with a whip before they let you go.i personally had not carried my I.D.The driver stopped and we could see the military about 1 km ahead .A few of us climbed on motorbikes which took some route which end up in the tarmac ahead,to find the driver waiting for us after the barricade .By the time I left Malindi at 5pm, the military guys Manning the place had gone. POINTS OF IMPORTANCE TO NOTE: 1.)It,s important to commit your travel schedule always before the Lord. 2.)The center of focus and action in what is coming will be in Nairobi. 3.)Carry your ID/Passport always with you.Remember what happened in Malindi. 4.) You will be indoors for a while.’The bus the current leader is driving will stall midway.’ 5.) There will be delays in traveling during that time.i have given an illustration before. 6.)Have Supplies lasting a week or a fortnight.Joseph in Egypt prepared for the bad times in the good times.Gen41.This should go beyond this upcoming dark cloud. 7.)When there is a shutdown in every thing,re member the HEAVENS are not shut to your communion with Abba Father. 8.) Don’t rule out the possibility of a dusk to dawn curfew being imposed.We were on ‘lockdown’in that bus at night, while the wild life roamed freely.Our streets and roads will be full of soldiers initially,while you will be forced to be indoors.Being found outside will pose a danger to you. . … 9.)Every politician will retreat back to “Factory Settings.”(Back to the drawing board to stragise your next political manoeuvres.) 10.)The Coming New Leadership will be in veiled for public knowledge.Burkina Faso under Mr Traore and Gabon under Mr. Ngue ma are our examples to learn from. This is critical to be trumpeted at this time without much delay.You may ask-What if we pray and fast, will that overturn this Event? From my perception this Event is about to play out in the coming days and the dice has been cast.Pray for a peaceful governmental transition.There were two warnings given in June2020 to start with.Subsequent warnings followed .And then last year in Feb,I saw the king relinquishing power.The only thing the Lord has changed is this-the person earmark ed as a beneficiary of this power change initi ally sought to seek a Continental seat in the AU and the Election is in two weeks.Even after sending an email to him one year ago,he could not wait.If only he knew in a deeper way what Habakkuk 2:2 says . Beyond what was given,I have no revelation when we shall go back to civilian rule.And don’t be lulled to sleep by happy face sermons and feel good messages of the New year,and you forget that there is trouble ahead.There is no blood in my hands or on my head.i have given the Final warning to my beloved country men and women. On 26/1/25 At 3.30am in a dream,it was night time since the lights were on.Then I heard a loud rumbling,a huge shaking and the Earth was jolted by a strong Earthquake. In this scene i saw a person afraid and in fear inside a house.There was a seismic activity in Kenya.The kitchen wares shook with a strong force,even while I was in the living room There was a swaying of some sort.(mat24.). ******At this time,let your allegiance be to the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the Earth,whose Kingdom will never end.Don.t put your trust in people,politicians and governments.They cannot save you! Shalom Brethren. Jer30:7 it is time for distress for Jacob,yet he shall be saved out of it.
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