
Message of Love for the Bride – Teri Hennessey


Message of Love for the Bride

August 6, 2021 1:40 PM
Teri Hennessey

Aug 7/21. 12:20PM

“My daughter write these words,

What beauty there be in those who worship in spirit and in truth. What benefit to all who seek my face and find me through praise, glory, love, and perseverance of the heart, of the passion and love they have for me. Oh my beloved Bride’s, I feel as much for you as you feel for me, yet even greater, for my heart is big enough to love every single soul on my earth. For you are all made in my image and I love each and every single one, yes even those who serve the enemy. Pray beloved for these to find their way to deliverance, to repentance for it will indeed lead their hearts to salvation. I long for all souls to be saved. Oh my beautiful brides, I cherish the moments you spend in my presence. In our secret place, I long to remove the veil and reveal the mysteries, the depths of who I am in you and to show you who you are to me. What delight and love I feel from you when you spend time in praise and worship. As you long to go deeper, I pull your heart closer to me and pour out my love, my adoration for you. You cannot even grasp what your love for me does to me. How much I love each of you tenderly and forever”.

Your Master and King
Your Love,


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