Elizabeth Marie
August 3, 2018
message: instructions/relocate or stay?
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On August 3rd, 2018, I received this very encouraging and instructive message from the LORD. It was fairly long, so I divided it into sections for easier reading and comprehension.
Also, in this message, the LORD asked for us to PRAY for these things:
1) “Pray for an abundance of faith so you may accomplish all that I have given you.”
2) “When I call, pray.”
3) “Pray for the lost in your families, and claim them for ME.”
4) “Peace, peace, pray for peace. Pray against all wars.”
And, as always, also pray for discernment and seek your own confirmations!
In HIS service,
Elizabeth Marie
MESSAGE – August 3, 2018
“Tell them that I AM coming soon! It won’t be long now. MY sword and recompense comes too.
All is not what it seems. The deceiving spirits are working overtime to try to fool MY people. This great deception is strong in MY churches, but MY people see it not. Pray that they would wake up to truth, as they are drowning in the lies of the enemy.”
“Your work here is not quite finished, as the harvest is getting riper and riper. Bring in the sheaves into MY warehouses — into My places of Worship and Houses of Prayer.”
Great, powerful faith is being poured out unto MY servants like never before. This faith will boost forward the great works that I will do through them. Pray for an abundance of faith so you may accomplish all that I have given you.
The time is late, the workers few and even fewer are those who hear MY voice.
When I call, listen,
when I call, pray.
when I call, serve.
Love each other other as I have loved you — with selfless and forgiving love. Love covers a multitude of sins!
Families Prepare Spiritually:
MY people, get into position for the things that are coming. I am giving you the time, not only to draw closer to the throne room of GOD, but to get your families prepared as well. Pray for the lost in your families and claim them for ME.
Relocate or Stay Put:
Many I am calling out to leave their current locations and relocate. If you have been called, then seek ME on the next step. If you haven’t heard from ME, then stay put. I will let you know when it is time to leave. Be prepared to do it at a moment’s notice. Many will have to flee at the time of MY warnings. Did I not spare LOT at the time of destruction? So shall I save My beloveds.
Earth Purged:
Much pain and sorrow is coming upon the face of the earth. It will be necessary to purge it of the spilled blood and hideous sins. Soon all will be washed and made
clean — love, truth, peace and joy will then reign supreme! Think on these things, MY children, and stay far away from the opposites of MY truth and grace.
Peace, peace, pray for peace. Pray against all wars. Seek peace and pursue it, for this is My will for you!
Seek ME:
Take time now to seek ME on all these things. Seek ME with all your heart and you will start hearing MY still, small voice.
Stay true, MY people,
Your loving MESSIAH, JESUS”
Scriptures given:
Isaiah 43:1-2; 10
“But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.”
“You are My witnesses,” says the LORD, “And My servant whom I have chosen, That you may know and believe Me, And understand that I am He.”
Psalms 12:7-8
“You, LORD, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked,
who freely strut about when what is vile is honored by the human race.”
Isaiah 62:11
“The Lord has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: “Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your Savior comes! See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him,”