MENE MENE”… a message to the final 10 Kings of the earth..(strong content) – Godshealer7
April 23, 2014
Prophecy – Received by Sister Barbara 2014.04.23, (Wed)
Mene Mene. Woe to you kings of the earth. Now this comes to pass, a message to the final ten kings. Mene Mene. You have continued in abomination after abomination. You have brought the people you govern lower than the dust. You have raised up idols of gold and silver. You have worshiped other gods. You have committed adultery with other nations. You have oppressed the widow and the poor. You have shamed your women before me. You have lifted yourselves up to be exalted. You have caused harm to those who were entrusted to you. You have become strong while they have become weak. Your wickedness knows no bounds. But I Am He who shall set your boundaries. I shall shake the earth and remove you from your thrones. You will lay on the ground and ask for mercy. Since you are the final kings there will be no mercy for you. For my judgment will be swift and my fury and wrath for your abomination committed in my site is great. Behold the King of Israel comes with power and glory with His Angels and Saints and no men can stand on this day.
GOD HAS NUMBERED THE DAYS OF YOUR KINGDOM AND THE TIME IS UP! You have continued in abomination after abomination. You have raised up idols of gold and silver. You have worshiped other Gods. You have shamed your women before me. You have lifted yourselves to be exalted. You have become strong while they have become weak. Your wickedness knows no bounds …but I AM he who shall set your boundaries I shall shake the Earth and remove you from your thrones. Daniel 5:22-30 KJV/NKJV