Warning, America, Antichrist, Darkness, Death, Harvest, Pandemics, Prophecy

MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY!!! – Anonymous One

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


January 21, 2023 2:10 PM
Anonymous One

PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE your hearts first and foremost.
They did not heed MY warnings
Unprepared, death knocks at their door
In a moment’s time it all changes
Suddenly without warning

Government has betrayed MY people, has not prepared them yet provoked the nations
They have bunkers; where will you go MY children?
must hold tight to Me. REPENT, for there is no other way. i will bring you home if you

Oh the cries! Oh the cries – lamentation will be heard throughout the nations as they watch the sudden downfall of America; like dominoes or as a deck of cards, she falls. Sins too great, too unimaginable! I see it all.

I have wept too many times over you America. My people, My people, My people, return unto Me NOW! It is coming so very fast; all chaos and hell will break loose.
DARKNESS, DARKNESS, DARKNESS in every which way – from all sides. N. Nothing will be safe. Noone will be safe unless they repent and cling to me in these end days; only the Great I AM can save. DO NOT FORFEIT your salvation. This life is temporary. Set your hearts on eternity – it is your choice where you will end up!

Oh how Rachel wept for her children! Just as she had wept so will so many of you. Oh the tears, oh how they will flow.
Why did you not listen children? I LOVE YOU so very much but you turn your face from Me so judgment befalls your once beloved prosperous nation. It’s all going, it’s all going, it’s all coming down.

These are the last wake up calls; communication going down. You will have to look up for there will be no tv, music, phones, internet. Do you think these Satanists haven’t planned your demise? ALL PLANNED. They are in fear. They know time is short. My return imminent! Many see their plan now as I have awakened them to truth. This cannot be in their eyes. Must hurry; finish their plans!

My plans for you are good. COME, COME, COME. It will be too late for too many – I urge you – COME NOW! The one on the cross is with Me in Paradise; he came at the last minute. I will save you too if you will just cry out with a contrite heart. I, Yahushua (your Jesus), came in the flesh as man so that you could make it home.- to eternal love, joy, happiness, peace; to have all you ever desired. DON’T throw this chance away. There will be nothing left here in this world. DO NOT CHOOSE DEATH OVER LIFE!!
I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE (John 14:6). If you throw it all away, you will be in darkness and torment for all eternity.

I LOVE YOU WITH AN EVERLASTING LOVE – oh how late this hour is. Look up, look up, look up. I weep over you children; as I knew the beginning, I know the end. I AM THE ALEPH AND TAU, THE FIRST AND THE LAST, THE BEGINNING AND THE END. I AM!
GET READY, GET READY, GET READY. SIRENS BLARING, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY!! Hands of protection off of you America. You are vulnerable, weak, off-guard.

My Chosen children, prepare for the last harvest is about to begin. I am with you, in you and will operate through you, My light will shine ever so brighter during these days of darkness. Hold on ever so tightly My children; this will even shake some of my elect.

This is all my dear child. Let them know. Release what I have given you. (then he added this)

SUDDEN changes come. Had I not said this in MY word? Anti-Christ rising – he must have his time – oh the weeping.
As I close, I tell you miracles, healings and wonders will come forth from this so rejoice in this truth. You will know God is in your midst; is not a myth. He is fully God and was fully man. The greatest time in history about to commence. All will know who I am. I AM THE I AM – THE GREATEST ARMY ARISES! This is WAR – the victory already won. The darkness can never hide My light.

Matthew 2:18; Psalm 2:1-2; Isaiah 17:12; Psalm 51; 17

Another way the Bible teaches that Jesus is God is by showing that he has all of the attributes of God. He knows everything (Matthew 16:21; Luke 11:17; John 4:29), is everywhere (Matthew 18:20; 28:20; Acts 18:10), has all power (Matthew 8:26–27; 28:18; John 11:38–44; Luke 7:14–15; Revelation 1:8), depends on nothing outside of himself for life (John 1:4; 14:6; 8:58), rules over everything (Matthew 28:18; Revelation 1:5; 19:16;), never began to exist and never will cease to exist (John 1:1; 8:58), and is our Creator (Colossians 1:16). In other words, everything that God is, Jesus is. For Jesus is God. (Matt Perman)

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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