Patti Huson
I AM coming, he who has an ear let
him hear. Many shall fall away, lose
faith. In an hour that thou thinkest
not, sudden destruction, disaster. I
have an army prepared for such a
day is to come. A small army. Think
it not strange the works that I do. My
judgement comes against those who
do not fear me.But, I shall oppose
these and all who come against me.
My final hour has come. As I was with
Moses, shall | be with these, I call
them my Chosen Ones. Think it not
strange these fires of afflictions I have
set their feet upon. For I alone AM
God and I do all these things that are
pleasing in my sight. I AM the fire that
goes before them. Who shall stand
before me and not fear? Woe unto the
inhabitants who have shaken their
fists in my face and said in their hearts “Where is your God?” I shall stand on Mount Zion, my voice shall roar as Living waters, the floodgates of my glory from my heavens shall soon fall into the inhabitants of my kingdom. For have I not searched the earth to and fro to seek my beloved who’s hearts are turned only towards
me? Few I have found, who l alone
have counted them worthy to bear
my shame. These are unknown to
mankind, but I know their name.
l have hidden them, these are my
treasures, I have placed them
all over the earth, they are of my
kingdom. These are not confirmed
to this world, nor are they of it.