8/16/24 7:24 PM
Alison Pound
“Do not be afraid. I am doing a new thing.
Even in these final days I do something new. It will look like something different, but do not write it off. It will be My Spirit at work.
Because I care about those who have lost their way. And those who have become disenchanted. They look at the church and do not want anything to do with it anymore.
But they have taken their eyes off Me! I am going to get their eyes back upon Me!
So whilst evil has been unleashed, and the end will come, I will be doing amazing things that will get My beloved’s eyes back upon Me.
I do this, that they might not fall away to perdition.
Many have fallen away from Me. And I will draw them back.
Will you be a part of this? I am calling those who have remained faithful, those who would be My Bride. There is work for you to do.”
This last paragraph (below)is to me personally but I believe I am to include it as there are some reading this who need encouragement. I have had a couple of dreams where I am literally running. It felt absolutely amazing. Right now, I have difficulty just walking across the room. “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isa. 40:31).
“I will heal you. I will transform you. And you will run like you ran in your dreams. And you will go to places you never dreamed of going. And the broken shall be pulled up out of the mire. I will place these ones upon solid ground. They shall be hidden. Stay tuned. It will not be long now and you will be running.”
I just want to make some things clear : when God says “they look at the church and do not want anything to do with it anymore”, He is talking about the Christians in the church buildings. The Lord is saying that some have lost their way because their eyes were on the Christians and leaders in the churches rather than upon Him. And they became disenchanted. Interesting word choice here: “disenchanted”. These ones God is referring to were ‘enchanted’ but are now ‘disenchanted’. The Lord chooses His words carefully, He says what He means and means what He says. The word ‘enchanted’ means to be under a spell, bewitched; to be affected by magic or seeming to be affected by magic. Many, many Christians have been going to church regularly on Sundays and weeknights for years and THEY HAVE BEEN UNDER A SPELL! Because the truth is not being taught in churches, seducing spirits have entered. In many churches, another Jesus is being presented and the people have been following this other Jesus. The Lord is saying that some are beginning to wake up , indeed He is in the process of waking them up! They are disenchanted. Hence, no longer under the spell. He is getting their eyes back upon Himself so that they might not fall into Perdition! Perdition: a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death.
May the Lord bless you as you ponder these things. May you be strengthened and encouraged in the work He has given you to do.
Alison Pound.