Warning, Asteroid, Destruction, Dream, Famine, Judgment, Prepare, Prophecy, Video, Word




October 11, 2021
Linda Hasche



Reference Scripture:  Psalm 107

Greetings and blessings to you.

I was prompted to do a live video about this warning message.  See link at the top of this post.

This dream and Words were given to me on 10-10-21:


I was dreaming, but don’t remember what I was dreaming, then across the dream appeared large 10” letters that said:


Then I woke up.

The Holy Spirit brought to mind that I must read Psalm 107 (which I review/discuss in the video).  I also knew I was to write down what the Heavenly Father wanted me to share:


“Tell My people,

When My hammer comes down,

There will be no more opportunity to purchase anything.

Get what you need now.

I WILL provide for My people,

But most are NOT My people.

MOST do NOT belong to Me,

Yet profess they do.

Remember, MY judgement is to bring repentance

to those who still can be saved.

Forsake your ideas of what you must do.

Seek ME for guidance and direction.

Did I lead the Israelites into the desert,

Yet provided for them?

Follow MY leading for your life and

I will also provide for YOU.

Trust and Obey is the only way

You will survive my judgement.

Looking back and relying on your

Own ideas, skills and determination,

Will make you like Lot’s wife.

“Normal” is never happening.

Supernatural WILL rise, both good and evil.

What you thought to be “normal” was

An abomination to Me.



witchcraft . . . . “The new normal?”

Following the leading of fear,

Provoked by the demonic.

Trusting in lies and not seeking the truth.

The masses led to the slaughter

By the false hireling pastors,

More concerned about the numbers than truth.

Forsake your evil ways and repent.

Destruction from My judgement comes swiftly,

Violently and without warning.

Seek ME and repent.

Follow My leading in humility and obedience

And I WILL lead you to safety,

While providing for your needs.

Deception rises.

Seek ME for the TRUTH, or

You will fall into satan’s trap of deception.

MOVE FORWARD NOW, my people.

MOVE FORWARD and don’t look back,

For the hammer is coming down.”


Note: when the Heavely Father referenced “the hammer” I was given a picture of a comet.

I wanted to know why I saw the word “Malnutrution” in that dream.  The Lord Jesus spoke the following in my spirit:

“Lack of spiritual truth that nourishes the soul.

Most people are spiritually malnourished,

For they have played the religious games

Offered up in the palaces called pulpits.

I don’t know them.

They don’t follow Me.

They don’t hear My voice.

The goats of Gilead knew Me better

Than the goats of religion.


Judgement comes to bring souls into the Kingdom of Heaven,

Yet beware of the goats,

Who will lay traps for My sheep . . .

My people.

forsake the palaces of the goats and

Turn fully to MY leading, for malnutrition . . .

leads to death.

Spiritual Malnutrition . . .

leads to spiritual death.”

Original Article Can Be Found Here



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