August 25, 2018
Maintain your Love for Me. I Am not the First Love of many. They love the things of the world more than Me. I know every heart. Nothing can be hidden from Me. The Love of many grows cold.
You must maintain your Peace with Me. I Give true Peace that surpasses all human understanding even in the midst of turmoil. Do not be in enmity with Me. I Am Love but also A Consuming Fire to My Adversaries. Seek to be always in Peace with Me. Maintain a good personal relationship with Me to be in My Perfect Will. That is Pleasing to Me.
Maintain justice, be always blameless, fair and just. Do to others as you want them to do to you also. Do not repay evil with evil. Be good and do what is right. Be different, maintain integrity. Be Light in darkness and do not be darkness yourselves.
You must maintain My House. I do not live in man made buildings but in the hearts of My Beloved children. Be always pure in heart. You are a Temple of My Holy Spirit. Those who do not maintain My House, will bear the consequences. I did not Change. Be Holy because without Holiness no one will see Me. The unrighteous will not Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. I will say to many in that Day, go away I never knew you, you who work iniquity. What will I Say to you? That matters. Maintain a pure heart to be found worthy to Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom.
“I will maintain my innocence and never let go of it; my conscience will not reproach me as long as I live.” Job 27:6