Lukewarm Church
January 15, 2021 7:57 AM
Until That Glorious Day
Hello, Dear Saints.
This is a Word from the Lord, January 15, 2021, after praying about an observation of a great splitting of the lukewarm, friends-with-everyone, stand-for-nothing Church from the Remnant. They can’t walk hand in hand.
Because you have forsaken the narrow path for the wide, comfortable one, I leave you to your true Love: the Beast System. You don’t know the day or the hour you are in! You want to please everyone, (for your own benefit) but you do not please Me, the Great Judge. Someday you will stand before me with mouth open wide because you didn’t know me as I Am. I did not ask you to be “nice”. I asked you to be Holy. I asked you to represent me on the earth. You did not set your face as flint to follow me. You already follow the Beast. You are full of compromise! You don’t see who you belong to, but when I remove my beloved Bride from this earth, then your eyes will be open and you will see your nakedness before me. You have deceived yourself. You have allowed yourself to be deceived. You have not known my Word or my Ways. I Do Not Compromise! Go your Way, you do not listen to my Voice.