June 24, 2020 3:57 PM
Ayana C
Vision: June 4th 2020
I want to share with you all a quick vision that I had this sat Thursday.
In my vision I saw Jesus and he was was very distressed and he appeared uncomfortable and almost sick. I was shocked to see that and I didn’t understand at all what it meant.
Then yesterday while I was listening to a live sermon, the pastor who was preaching shared a prophetic word that was identical to the vision I received the day before. He heard that God is literally sick of his people being lukewarm and not passionate about Him. And that all those who are lukewarm He will vomit you out of his mouth (Revelation3:16). This is a warning of love because a few verses later it says: Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent ( Revelation 3:19).
So turn from adultery, fornication, witchcraft (ex horoscopes etc), gossip, unforgivness, lust, cursing and all evil and return to God with your whole heart and He will forgive you. He wants to pour out His Spirit upon His people but He needs us to repent as the Holy Spirit doesn’t want to dwell in an unclean temple ( Ezikiel 8-11)
God wants to take your heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh and write His commandments on our hearts ( Jeremiah 31:33) and He will be our God and we will be His people. Let’s stop striving to please people and ourselves, but instead let us seek to please God only.
Prayer of Repentance from lukewarmness:
Lord forgive me for being lukewarm and not listening to your word and your voice. Forgive me Lord Jesus for grieving you. I renounce all sin and choose to follow you with my whole heart and mind. I love you Jesus help me through the power of the Holy Spirit to walk in obidence to you and to have a passionate relationship with you. Set my heart on fire for you God. In Jesus name. Amen
Ayana C