Lose Your Life to Save Your Soul
2/25/25 9:19 AM
There is nothing anyone of us can do to change the course of events, except sometimes by prayer. Most events were spoken of millennium ago and must be carried out. Those who are lovers of life and the pleasures of this Earth, will find it difficult to extract themselves from what they have deemed important. Not everyone will be willing to lose their life to save their soul.
Many choices will be put in front of my children. Choices of if you will conform to the new regime, that proliferates the Earth, or take the more difficult, harder route which ultimately leads to my Kingdom. My children need to stay focused on me as events play out. Spend more time rather than less time, to stay secure within me.
I will be there with you as you put your confidence in I Am. Never take the short route because it is expeditious. Always take the route that outlines my character of righteousness, truth and love, for it will bring you to me.
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