Lord is chastising India with His chastising rod (Coronavirus)
May 12, 2021 3:57 AM
Twice, Lord has spoken to me that He would chasten India. Earlier, I didn’t understood that how He will chasten India but now I understood. Chastisement in Bible is connected with sickness or disease ( Psalm 38, 1 Cor 11:30-32 ). He is now chastising India with His chastising rod ( Coronavirus ).
Nearly 3 to 4 lacs cases of Coronavirus are recorded each day nowadays. Some covid patients has died due to lack of oxygen in hospitals. Situation is serious.
Read the below messages.
1) Destruction comes to your nation ( India)
15 March 2020
Lord says
” Listen unto Me, I love this nation ( India). Neither wants its destruction. But My people choose to destruction. I will chastise them severely as father chastises his son.This will be done to straighten him up as Destruction comes to your nation ( India).Amen.”
2) Write these things to the nations
4 August 2020
Lord says
” Now, write these things to the nations, which I say to you. To the Europe, you have forsaken Me, there Lord your God shall strike you with many plagues. Repent and be saved. And to America, you are the first nation to be judged because your sin is exceedingly great and terrible. All the plagues written in the Books of Moses shall be added to you. Now write for India, this nation is wicked nation. I will straighten them with My chastising rod. Be prepared and don’t waste time. Amen.”
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