Little Time Left
March 24, 2021 2:10 PM
Lynne Johnson
Stay strong my brothers and sisters in Christ,
“Obey My Voice, and do according to all that I command you; so you shall be My people, and I will be your God.” Jeremiah 11:4 NKJV
Word received January 8th, 2021 at 11:30 PM by Lynne Johnson
There is little time left as events begin. This is the time to focus on your task ahead. Are you ready for it? This is a time of great chaos. Of pain and sadness. You must be prepared to help those in great need. I will prepare your way as I instruct you. Follow those instructions. I AM your commander and you are My soldiers in the field. Do as I direct and all will be well. Many lost sheep will enter the Kingdom of Heaven through your accomplishments. I AM will pave the way for you! Listen to MY Voice as I direct your path. I AM will shelter and protect My people as you proceed. All will be done according to My Will.
All will be clear you; your understanding and abilities will be apparent to all. A great
infilling of the Holy Spirit will occur. This will happen quickly and you MUST WAIT
TO DO. That is when you will receive understanding and clarity.
I AM knows you will succeed in helping the lost sheep to follow their destiny. An amazing
time. A most important time for ALL CREATION. Are you ready for it to begin?
Your King Yeshua, Your Redeemer, Messiah
Great blessings and joy awaits you, My children, My Bride!
Scriptures Given:
Acts 2:28 NKJV
“You have made know to me the ways of life; you will make me full of joy in your presence.”
2 Thessalonians 2:10 NKJV
“And with all unrighteousness deception among those who perish, because they did not
receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”
Hebrews 2:16 NKJV
“For indeed He does not give aid to angels, but He does give aid to the seed of Abraham.”
John 3:16 NKJV
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”