Let the whole earth rejoice for
now my kingdom comes
June 3, 2020
Patti Young
The army of God sits in the camps of David, flames come from their swords. Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord, they shall slay their thousands. I come to recompense those, the ones who are faithful to me. Their desire above all things, is to do my will, the will of my Father. Their hearts are turned towards me, there are no other idols
in their hearts. I have stripped these of all the things of the natural, they know of the spiritual of my kingdom, my will, and my coming, it is the longing of their hearts.
To the faithful, I will remain faithful forevermore. My word shall stand, no man can contend with my ways.
Travail, the earth is in travail waiting for the birth, the coming forth of my Manchild, mine own. Their desire is for my heart. My father has planted the seeds and these now are going to come forth. In the flames of affliction, fiery trials and testings, these have come forth as gold as did Shadrach Meshach and Abednego from days ago. These, mine own, my fully matured Sons, will not bow down to any other idols, nor serve gods of stone and clay and dirt. Praise me, praise me all ye heavens, for I will comme
forth in triumph and victory. I am the shield and
the protector of those who follow me, mine anointed ones. Let the whole earth rejoice for
now my kingdom comes.
Original article can be found here