Lay All Aside
2/2/25 1:32 AM
Whitney E Manuel
2-2-2025 12:56am
“Write. My perfect. My Beloved. My Chosen. My doves. Now is the time for you to fly as of doves to their nests. Now is the time I show the world and every gawker, every mocker, who My children chosen of their GOD, who they are, to the astonishment of the whole world. My beloved, perfected ones, those perfected in My love and all My ways: Rise up now. Arise unto Me. Leave all behind now. Lay all aside right now. Lay all that I have not called you to down today. Take up My Cross, My mission, My purpose. I have purpose and mission for you, Beloved Bride of Mine, My jewels set in My Crown. Oh, the wonder! Oh, the peace! Oh, the process you will go through right at the end. I know you trust Me. Waiver not. You will not waiver. My SPIRIT upholds you, comforts you; equips you for all I call you to do. Open your hearts and receive My true messages. Listen most carefully to My HOLY SPIRIT’s instructions, as He will lead you in your preparation to leave this world behind. Yes, My enemy tries to copy and mock all I do. Let them mock. They will all be silenced very very soon. Arise, My love, arise.”
Song of Solomon 2:14; 4:7; 1:15
2 Corinthians 11:2
Revelation 19:7-8
Ephesians 5:27
Deuteronomy 14:2
Jeremiah 1:5
Psalm 55:6; 119:165
Isaiah 60:8; 26:3
Romans 8:6
Proverbs 31:10
1 John 4:18
1 Timothy 1:14
Malachi 3:17
1 Peter 2:5
Acts 1:8
Photos courtesy Depositphotos