Knock, Knock!!! What can you say?
July 9, 2021
Linda Hasche
BelieveActs2 -HARVEST
(5 minutes 36 seconds)
LINDA’S WRITTEN COMMENTS from beneath her video on YouTube are also included here, following the transcript.
NOTES ON FORMATTING IN THIS TRANSCRIPT: Linda’s spoken words are given in usual fashion (that is, without quotation marks) except that all of the following are included between quotation marks:
When she reads or quotes the Bible, OR
When she says what she is saying is exactly what God told her, OR
If she is quoting some other source.
If Linda includes a gesture or points to a visual, or if words may help explain something such as a translation of the Bible Linda is reading, they are added here between brackets like these: […]
Greetings, brothers and sisters in Christ!
Back in the early ‘80’s, Paul McCartney and the Wings did a song:
“Someone’s knockin’ at the door; somebody’s ringin’ the bell;
Do me a favor …”
–And I’m going to add the rest of it: DON’T OPEN THE DOOR AND LET ‘EM IN! – Okay?!
Mr. Potatohead … currently being the marker for the coming, up-rising of the antichrist Obama … is indicating that there will be knock-knocks at the door to make sure ya’ll go like this [as she gestures a shot/injection in the upper arm].
So what can you say?
Well, Jesus outlines it in the Bible:
Matthew chapter 9 in the Amplified, verse 10 through 13; I’m going to read there:
“And as Jesus reclined at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and [especially wicked] sinners came and sat (reclined) with Him and His disciples. And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, Why does your Master eat with tax collectors and those [preeminently] sinful? But when Jesus heard it, He replied, Those who are strong and well (healthy) have no need of a physician, but those who are weak and sick. Go and learn what this means: I desire mercy [that is, readiness to help those in trouble] and not sacrifice, and sacrificial victims. For I came not to call and invite [to repentance] the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with God), but sinners (the erring ones and all those not free from sin).”
–So who is our physician? JESUS IS OUR PHYSICIAN – Amen?! Okay!
Someone’s knocking at the door. Be polite:
Oh, thank you for coming by. I really appreciate that. How may I help you?
Well, we’re here to make sure … [Linda gestures the giving of shots/injections in the upper arm.]
Oh, thank you so much for your caring and concern! I follow all of my Physician’s orders in all areas. I do appreciate that. Thank you so much for stopping by. You have a good day.
And if they continue to press:
I follow all my Physician’s orders. I really don’t care to discuss that with you, but thank you so much. You have a good day. Take care. Good-bye.
Are you following Jesus?
He’s the Great Physician! Are you following His orders? It was: DON’T DO IT!
Are you complying with His orders? Well, if you listened, you did. And if you didn’t and you took these [jabs], I hope that you repented, ‘cause there’s a point in time when … you will be like a magnet on a refrigerator: You will have no ability to choose your thoughts, your words, your actions. –If you don’t repent, and you think this [taking the shot(s)] is good … I’M SORRY!
You’re hearing this NOW, because the Lord is calling you to REPENT FOR THAT! –You’ve allowed demonic stuff into the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and it’s replicating and replicating and replicating, and when that special tune is turned on – that tune that powers your cellphone …. When that special tune is turned on, you’ll become a mindless puppet.
You’re being warned. You’re being warned.
What will happen if you continue down that path … without repenting and thinking you’all good …?
My new profile photo will be your future location. –That’s a profile photo of a lava lake.
Jesus is coming back for a purified people. If you repent from this evil that you partook of, He will forgive you. The ramifications of that replication in your body may be felt, but your soul will still be saved.
The fire of judgment will hit … AND the Fire of Holy Spirit will hit at the same time.
Lord, help us all see the truth, seek the truth and stay in the truth. For your Name’s sake, help us all, Lord, in Jesus’ Name! Amen and amen!
Scriptural Reference:
Matthew 9:10-13 (Amplified)
What is Salvation? Please read the following post to help you gain an understanding:
GREETINGS HARVESTERS, PLEASE READ: Jesus is STILL our deliverer. He is the same yesterday, today and FOREVER!!! Don’t let the enemy (satan) try to LIE to you and make you think you can’t be saved because you fell away (are a prodigal) . . . NO!!! Jesus is calling you back to HIM!! Here’s what you do: REPENT from all of the sin you have been in. Ask the LORD Jesus to forgive you, to renew and restore you, to set you free from all demonic influences, witchcraft, curses and lies. Ask the LORD Jesus to be your LORD and Savior over every part of your life. Rededicate your life to Him. Ask HIM to help you hear His voice, to help you pick up your cross and to help you follow Him. AND HE WILL!!! He is the same yesterday, today and FOREVER!!! Amen and AMEN!!
The following are my 3 blog sites:
believeacts2’s Blog | Dreams, Visions and Revelations for These End Times (Acts Chapter 2:17-18)
BelieveActs2FIRE – Sharing the Truth, with LOVE, from the “Kingdom of Heaven” Perspective
BelieveActs2HARVEST – Preparing the Remnant for the LORD’s Return
I can privately be contacted through my blog, if you are led to do that, but I won’t be able to personally respond to your emails. Sorry about that. I do read them and will pray for you. ❤️🙏🏻❤️
[NOTE FROM TRANSCRIBER: For any having difficulty watching Linda’s videos, such as for the cost of cellphone data, MOST of her recent videos on YouTube are largely made up of reading dreams or visions from the Lord, received before 2020. Each of those is printed out in one of her three blogs linked above. –There is great spiritual treasure available in these blogs!]