Judgment Upon New York
June 27, 2021 11:29 PM
28 January 2019 2:01am
God's response concerning New York after the legislature passed an unprecedented attack on the unborn babies. Andrew Cuomo, Governor, New York, signed a new radical abortion bill into law, Tuesday evening, January 22, 2019 (Between the Blood Moon and the Jupiter and Venus Conjunction)
Judgment Upon New York
This night, I decree judgment upon New York! You are being stupid! If you humble yourself, I can fix that, and if you are being dull of hearing, then humble yourself, and I can fix that too. Who gave you the right to kill the unborn children?
You! New York! Have defiled your own state! Because of your own arrogance and haughtiness, and your defiance against Me! I AM the LifeGiver! You have no right to take the life that I gave to the unborn children. If you don’t repent, I will crush you into powder, and there will be no New York!!
You foolish New York… You have become a stench to Me! You make up your own law and you mock Me. You are heartless. You make laws that go against My Laws. Don’t be joyful in your wickedness. Because sin is crouching at your door, and it is ready to destroy you! He who has ears, let him hear. I AM the Judge! I desire mercy for all of My Creation, if you obey Me with all of your heart. I have given you many chances over and over again, to come back to Me, but you refuse. So, now I must do what I must do… The Judgment Is Sealed!!
Given to Sue