Warning, Judgment, Prophecy

Judgment First To Awaken The Slumbered – Angela García


Judgment First To Awaken The Slumbered

June 1, 2022 7:05 AM
Angela García
I CALL OUT THE ELECT! I AM the only way to escape! Choose now who you will serve this world or the King of Kings Jesus Christ 👑

Rcv’d 5/31 pray for discernment, understanding, ears to hear – Pray for truth

Acts 2:17

Tell them I love them and seek the hearts. They love me not nor do they care to. The unforgiveness, the lost bitterness in their hearts. I lead, I direct, I correct the heart! Follow me I give a healed heart! Allow me to work in your hearts. I AM the only way, The only truth and eternal life! I AM the only way to the Father. Believe in me believe also in my Father, in my Fathers house are many mansions. Do you know me? Do you know the way to your everlasting home? Without me you are lost in a lost, lost world soon to be desolate! Understand my children…Many things to change and come to this earth! We are counting down the days, will you be counted worthy to escape?! Understand judgment first to awaken the slumbered who don’t know they are! I AM a loving, forgiving Father. Desolate are the days ahead. Be not of this world!!! I CALL OUT MY ELECT…Awaken children! Time is short of the very essence. I AM the only way to escape! Choose now who you will serve this world or the King of Kings Jesus Christ The son of God who came, walked the earth, died for your sins and arose three days to bring life to the kingdom

The Lover of your soul

Yeshua Hamashiach

Jeremiah 17:10

Revelation 3:19

Hebrews 12:3-11

Matthew 16:24

Matthew 22:37-38

Psalm 139:23-24

John 14:6, John 12:44

Psalm 147:3

John 14:1, John 14:2

John 17:3, Luke 21:36

Leviticus 26:32

1 Peter 4:17, Romans 11:8

Luke 15:11-32

Joshua 24:14-15


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