Judgement Falls – Sue
July 1, 2015
Come My little ones, gather around Me and abide under the Shadow of My Wings. I AM your only ark of safety now, for grave judgments are sentenced upon your land. You have been chosen and marked for such a time as this and will be used mightily by Me. Therefore stand fast and rejoice in Me, for your redemption draws nigh.
The people across your lands have rejoiced greatly over the empty certificates of Rights and new laws of Freedom being handed to them, but death and untold bondage will overtake them in its wake. Mankind scorn and mock Me, as they jeer at My little ones who fear and honor Me. My greatest gifts of mercy and grace have been extended so long that now; even those are being trodden under foot of man. Yet My judgment will fall upon them suddenly and without warning. Multitudes upon multitudes will go into eternity without hope, and many more will seek death and not find it. Among the burning rubble of the land, sheer panic and terror will reign, as mangled bodies scream and cry out for help. You will go where I send you, and follow My detailed instructions, for I alone know whose hearts will turn towards Me. Not a moment of your time will be wasted, for the harvest is great and the time allotted is short. Everyone whose heart has turned towards Me will be saved, and not one will be left behind. You will see your current evil dictator fall, only to be replaced by the Antichrist himself. There is no safety on earth, but in Me. The unwise virgins secure in their own robes of righteousness will finally awaken, only to discover they have been left behind. Many will be the stunned sinners and whoremongers that will arrive to the courts of heaven in total shock, because in their last repentant breath, they were scooped from the pains of death and carried to the bosom of Abraham. Oh America, America, I have warned and warned, and My voice has fallen on deaf ears. Yet once more and My Mighty Voice will thunder, but many will not be alive to hear. Shalom