Judge Arising – Janet

Judge Arising

August 29, 2023 2:26 PM



Share My words to a stiff-necked adulterous generation for My patience is running very thin. Daughter I will tell ye what these are like:

Read Numbers 16:1-35


Daughter, now I arise as the Judge and my wrath shall be as a fire, Yea’ a raging fire, like one of a forest fire. Who shall not fear for the mouth of the LORD (YHWH) has spoken it.

Daughter, tell this stiff-necked people to repent

Daughter, tell the people this is the time of the “Judge Arising”

Who shall stand at the wrath to come?

Daughter, read Isaiah 34


Daughter, now I arise as the Judge and My wrath shall be as a fire, Yea’ a raging fire, like one of a forest fire. Who shall not fear for the mouth of the LORD (YHWH) has spoken it.

Daughter, tell this stiff-necked people to repent.

Daughter tell this people that this is the time of the “Judge Arising.”

Who shall stand at the wrath to come?

Daughter read Jeremiah 5


Daughter now I arise as the “Judge Arising” in strength and in might. Who shall now bow?

Who shall not break? Who shall not be swallowed up by the earth? For I come as a fire to test the hearts and the reins, Yea I search the earth and shall give to every man according to their fruit. For who judges his brother? Who has set himself against another?

For who doeth good? And who doeth not know that all shall stand before Me, the Bema seat is set. Take heed lest ye be swept away as those who have no knowledge, those caught unaware.

Daughter, My anger is greatly kindled read Amos chapters 1-4


Daughter, now I arise as the judge and My wrath shall be as a fire, Yea a raging fire, like one of a forest fire. Who shall not fear for the mouth of the LORD (YHWH) has spoken it.

Daughter, tell this stiff-necked people to repent.

Daughter, tell the people this is the time of the “Judge Arising” Who shall stand at the wrath to come?

For thus saith the LORD (YHWH) I break rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; I scatter My foe’s, I bring down every haughty hill and I exalt every valley. I AM the LORD (YHWH).

Daughter, Share this word with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

In the name,


Jesus Christ, Yahushua HaMashiach

Holy Spirit

Janet from servantsforhisglory44 (You tube)


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