January 15, 2021 1:05 PM
I was in a twilight of a needed nap this morning, having awoken very early, and could see 3 digit numbers, each quickly counting down, each appearing one after the other.
Confused, I shook my head and turned over.
I woke up and immediately heard, “Jubilee” in my spirit (not audibly.)
I knew this year I would celebrate my personal Jubilee, 49 years born-again. I decided maybe it meant something more.
I looked up “jubilee” in search and saw that some had been suggesting an “economic jubilee.”
Perhaps He also has some joyful release coming for all of us this year as well, because then I did some math.
The 5th Jubilee (245 years) of the United States will occur on July 4th this year!
Jubilee is mentioned several times in Leviticus and once in Numbers.
It has become increasingly obvious that we are in times that make every biblical prophecy of the end possible.
Karen Overturf