14 July 2020
M.T. Ntuli
I greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Last night I had a dream. I was coming down the mountain and I met three young tourist couples from Europe who’d come from the beach. They were drunk and wet from swimming. My initial intent of coming down to meet them was to tell them this “Tell your countries that, we (South Africa) do not need donations to survive but all we need is good education in order to rid our country of poverty”.
But to my surprise, when I finally met them, the Holy Spirit took over my speech and I ended up saying to them “I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Go tell your countries that; JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK!”
As I finished those words, it got dark and to my surprise, the multitudes upon multitudes of people from many nations suddenly appeared around us shouting in out loud voice “JESUS IS COMING BACK!”
Then lit up fire using old tyres then they started singig a song that said “JESUS IS COMING BACK. THE LORD IS COMING BACK WITH HIS INNUMERABLE ANGELS. HALLELUJAH AMEN”.
I saw famous artists from America, Europe, Africa, Asia and all the world shouting and singing in unison “JESUS IS COMING BACK” while we’re walking up the mountain I had decended from.
Then I woke up @5:30am singing the song “JESUS IS COMING BACK”.
Some time after I woke up, I realised that I have to use this platform to tell the nations “JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK”. Let us all prepare the way for the LORD. Amen.
“Look, I am coming soon! Blessed are those who obey the words of prophecy written in this book. ” Then he instructed me, “Do not seal up the prophetic words in this book, for the time is near. Let the one who is doing harm continue to do harm; let the one who is vile continue to be vile; let the one who is righteous continue to live righteously; let the one who is holy continue to be holy.”
“Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
Blessed are those who wash their robes. They will be permitted to enter through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life. Outside the city are the dogs—the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie.
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches. I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne. I am the bright morning star.”
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.”
Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.
And I solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person’s share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book.
He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!” Amen!
Come, Lord Jesus! May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s holy people.