
Jesus is Coming. A Holocaust Arises – Caroline Diadem

Jesus is Coming. A holocaust Arises – Caroline Diadem

Published January 18, 2019


hi my brothers and sisters I’m back on so quick again because I’ve received another message from the Lord just yesterday morning so I wanted to come straight back on and just not delay and I want to just get this message out there fairly quickly and so praise God what happened was a few morning’s ago I was praying and as I had mentioned in my form of videos kind of just kept saying to be getting attacked and buffeted and I just couldn’t seem to lift my head above it you know and so anyway one morning I was praying I was bring it before the Lord and I felt like the Lord said you are marked so when they’ll always said that to me I thought I’m
marked by the devil and that’s why he keeps doing this to me right so that’s what I presume the Lord was saying and I didn’t think any more of it and then there was a I got two confirmations of the same thing and I spotted a video by a Christian and her video was you are marked and it was exactly exactly the words God gave me so I listened to the video and then I got more understanding of it that God has marked me faithful that’s what the video was talking about that God is marked as faithful and because we are marked that’s why we come under more persecution so that made that was like amazing very enlightening and I was very encouraged by that and I thought wow that’s such a nice lovely message you know and actually yesterday and think it was just before I got this message and I’m not I’m not exaggerate when I say this this video like my phone was just sitting there it wasn’t active or anything this video began to play on its own the same video again that you were marked and I looked at my phone and I was looking what you know I thought it just you know I must have had it on not realizing and I looked and it wasn’t even on the screen it wasn’t even showing there was no video showing that was when I went into YouTube wasn’t showing that it was playing I just saw that was so weird so I just put the phone down I thought okay maybe the Lord just wants me to listen to this again you know and take heed so that was very unusual very unusual because never happened to me before and then I was praying in tongues in the morning and I get this message and this honestly is my first ever rapture message and so I was I’ve been very encouraged and I have to say after you receiving this message yesterday from the Lord this lightness came over me it was just like just like the Holy Spirit was alright the Lord was with me or the prayer I don’t know what it was but this incredible lightness like summertime had arrived it was just beautiful presence of the Lord and I felt so incredibly lifted it was like a weight was just lifted off of me so I want to share this message with you and there is a bit of a warning as well and but it’s really it’s it’s it’s an Amazing message and so I’m just gonna read it off just get straight into it

here so 7th of January prophecy this one this was the interpretation of tongues so I pray in tongues again that got the message and then I began to write them at the message down okay understanding from the Lord hmm

The eyes of the Lord searched to and fro throughout the earth to search out those whose hearts are fully committed to him now having in brackets here in relation to you are marks so I believe it’s connected to what the message the Lord gave me now I’m going to give I’m going to put her video em down at the bottom of the screen here so please have a look at this video as well about your marked because it’s connected I believe


I will draw you and collect you from all corners of the earth my children did I not say I go and prepare a place for you that where I am you shall be there so the age is closing in and I am calling you in I am coming to take you unto myself my beloved unto my bosom how I love how I love you and yearn for you my people my heart burst forth with love for you how I rejoice to take you unto myself as the age closes I am taking you to myself from every corner of the earth my righteous ones so just as a closing of the ages come I will collect my faithful servants from all corners of the earth
then the age will close and the impending doom shall arise on all the wicked of the earth sorry I’m just feel the Holy Spirit really moving me the earth shall be dark because my glory will have left I am the one who gives light my light my glory shall no longer be upon the earth men shall now reap what they have sown he showed sin he sold sin and corruption without conscience to revere and give glory to me and so hence he will be repaid with doom with darkness of demons his worst nightmares shall come true if you take pleasure in wickedness wickedness shall be a lot the Blood Moon is an omen of what will be the moon shall turn to blood on the notable day of the Lord the Blood Moon is the sign of impending judgment this decade has been a decade of blood moons why says the Lord there are my signs of a judgment my signs of the closing of the ages my signs to the nations to repent I told you I would send you signs in the heavens my heart is for mankind do you not see how much I love you I should I send you signs that you would repent I sent you four blood moons the moon shall turn to blood on the notable day of the Lord the day arises when there shall be only darkness men will tremble in fear for what comes upon them seek me while I may be found call to me while I am near I am your light and salvation the door closes and then what shall you do sudden destruction with none to deliver the door closes a giant wave comes I could sense a giant wave coming which is sense in my spirit a Holocaust comes my children draw into the ark do not delay it comes it comes a mass Holocaust it comes my children I will shield thee my precious ones I will cover thee with my opinions what treachery so treacherous times come you sow treachery so treachery comes unabated unstoppable unrest unmerciful hold fast me buckle up gird up your loins cleave onto me be ready my children be ready buckle up buckle up


so that was the message that I received and the scriptures I’m actually gonna give a couple of scriptures in reference to this and they’re all from the book of Joel so I was actually reading Joel later on today because I noticed that the notable day of the Lord I knew that
scripture was in Joel so I began to read the book of Joel and these are so confirming these scriptures at that
after of this message in fact I think it
opens up the book really so Joel to
to chapter verse & blow the trumpet sound the alarm on Zion God’s sacred hill tremble people of Judah the day of the Lord is coming soon it will be a dark and gloomy day a black and cloudy day the great army of locusts
advances like darkness spreading over the mountains there has never been anything like it and there never will be again and then Joel – sorry Joel verse kind of doing a little backwards but anyway and the day of the Lord is near the day when the old mighty brings destruction what terror that that day will bring and then Joel – and I just get it here okay I will give warnings on that day in the sky and on the earth there will be bloodshed fire and clouds of smoke the Sun will be darkened and the moon will turn red as blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes so that’s the message please give me your comments and so that I can engage with you thank you so much
for all your comments in the other
videos I always love to look at the comments and your you know the visions and dreams that you also get from the Lord and I just want to say I really appreciate your prayers as well because you know I know your prayers are connected I actually sense it in myself I sense the prayers from you I really do and I also have been praying for you and praying for that lady who wanted the gift of tongues I’ve been praying and so thank you so much any prayer requests as well do leave them below and I will definitely serve certainly pray for you thank you so much god bless you


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