Diana Olivieri
May 1, 2018
IT’S TIME TO FLY!: “Destruction is on the way. Watch for it, for it shall surely come. Shalom”
“It is time…It is time to fly. Surely you can see the signs and know that I am among these things…that My Hand is in them…that My Way will soon come forth and be shown unto many…you are one who will encapsulate My Love, My Glory upon the earth. You will see it and know you are a part of Me…once and for all..for all Eternity…from now on, My Love…you are Mine and My Love within you can be seen. My Dove, it shall be…it shall be, as I say…among the wind and water you shall go toward Me in the coming days. I shall encapsulate you and bring you forth into great Glory.You are My Loves and I shall ensure your great safety among the way. I shall be with you, My Love, in all things. I shall show you great & mighty things and you shall know that I can do all things.
I AM mighty and strong and well able to carry forth the plans and purposes of our lives.All have functions and facets within the plan and I shall say and call forth My mighty Ones, at this time. They are bold, courageous, and ready to come forth, as I call them. They are Mine…willing, ready, obedient, and will go forth with great Power. My Ways upon man shall be seen and they shall know this was done by My Hand. I AM in these things. Thank you My Child/Children for coming out of your shell and emerging new & Victorious, for I shall say that you shall that you shall go forth and take on mighty things. They shall not be able to withstand you, for you are mighty and strong. You will come through the battle without harm. Destruction is on the way. Watch for it, for it shall surely come. Shalom”