
It’s 12:00 Write My Word In Your Hearts- Hell Fire is Real-Jugment Seat of Christ – Monique Bizet

It’s 12:00 Write My Word In Your Hearts- Hell Fire is Real-Jugment Seat of Christ

Nov 8, 2019
Monique Bizet

Auto Transcript

hi Saenz today I want to share with you
a word that the Lord gave me and
basically the Lord has been warning me
that the time is up and he has given me
a short dream where in the dream itself
I woke up and I thought it was 3:30 but
I looked at the alarm clock and it was
flashing red saying it was 12:00 and
flashing 12:00 12:00 and so we know that
the 11:59 hour were getting to that
twelve o’clock hour and the Lord is
warning his flock warning his remnant to
get ready to be prepared to be alert
vigilant and for the days that are
coming ahead are going to be tough and
he wants this army to arise and to be
valiant and to be ready to not be like
the foolish virgins but to be the wise
bird the wise virgins and so Thank You
Heavenly Father for bringing us together
lord I ask you that your Holy Spirit be
the one that speaks through me Lord that
your your name is the one that is
glorified father god father I ask that
you bless your people that you prepare
us father God for this time and our Lord
and that you give us the the the
assignments that you need us to do that
you give us the understanding of how we
need to prepare our families how we need
to prepare ourselves and how we need to
prepare our hearts and souls father
thank you in Jesus name and so as I was
saying that dream was kind of like the
Lord with the twelve o’clock flash and
just the Lord saying time is up get
ready time is so short and I’ve shared
with you in other videos I’ll make links
on my description box of videos that
I’ve made of persecution coming I’ve
been learning alerting and warning about
persecution because the dreams that the
Lord has given me Thank You Heavenly
Father and so the word that the Lord
gave me is
warfare is coming and why I’m making
message mentioned to those videos is
because they talk about the persecution
that’s coming it talks about it in
Matthew 10:16
and and so forth and so in those videos
that I go at length over the explanation
of persecution coming and I’m not going
to do so in this video but the Lord has
been warning me that much warfare is
coming that great trials are coming to
the body of Christ and Thank You
Heavenly Father thank you lord
in Revelations 12 going after the devil
going after the Saints thank you Lord no
relations 12:9 Isis and the Great Dragon
was cast out that old serpent called the
devil and Satan which deceives the whole
world he was cast out into the earth and
his angels were cast out with him and I
heard a loud voice singing in heaven now
I come now is come salvation and
strength and the Kingdom of our God and
the power of his Christ for the accuser
of our brethren is cast down cast down
to earth folks which accused them before
our God day and night and they overcame
him by the blood of the Lamb and by the
word of their testimony and they loved
not their lives unto the death
they loved not their lives unto the
death 12:15 Isis and the serpent cast
out of his mouth water and of Assaf
flood after the woman that he might
cause her to be carried away of the
flood okay it’s a flood of deception a
flood of persecution a flood of coming
after the people of God the earth helped
the woman and the earth opened her mouth
and swallowed up the flood which the
Dragon cast out of his mouth and the
dragon was wrought with them what the
woman and went to make war with the
remnant of her seed which keep the
commandments of God
and have the testimony of Jesus Christ
so it’s talking about Satan coming
against the remnant the body of Christ
to make war with the remnant and so is
talking about persecution folks and the
Lord wanting his his remnant to be ready
for this and so he keeps warning that
much warfare is going to come in Matthew
24 talks about people’s hearts growing
cold thank you Lord Matthew 24:12 a
system because iniquity shall abound the
love of many shall wax cold but he that
shall endure until the end shall be say
the same shall be saved and and this
gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
in all the world for a witness unto all
nations and then shall the end come and
so we’re seeing the Lord is talking
about in Matthew 24:11 says a many false
prophets shall arise and shall deceive
many many will be offended Matthew 2014
and then many shall be offended that
word offended in Greek the Greek word
for 4624 it means to entrap it means to
trip up to stumble to entice to sin to
FASTA sighs so those that are that this
is the great fall in a way that it talks
about in 2nd Thessalonians 2 is that the
the apostasy of the body and entrapped
us in try and ties to sin and apostasy
thing is is defecting from the truth is
falling away from the truth unto the
lies of the devil into the deception of
the devil and so the Lord is saying much
warfare is coming to my body and we need
to be prepared the word of the Lord is
going to be perverted even more so than
it is today and in ways we can
hardly comprehend but it talks to about
blasphemy in the book of in the same
book of revelations revelations 13 6
I’ll go with 13 5 and there was given
unto him a mouth speaking great things
so relation 13 is it’s right around the
corner it’s here it’s about to be
unveiled folks and so the Lord is just
warning us to be prepared and and so
again revelations 13 5 it says and there
was a given unto him a mouth speaking
great things and blasphemies this is
coming against the Word of God coming
against the people of God coming against
the Living God
denying his name replacing him for
technology and replacing him for for
things that are godless blasphemy means
in the Greek 988 it means bill
vilification is vilifying the things of
the Lord this is speaking evil is
railing against the Lord in st-9 is
denying the Lord and coming against his
name and so it’s blasphemy against God
to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle
and them that dwell in heaven and so
we’re gonna see a total deprivation a
total perversion of the Word of God even
more so that we are seeing today folks
and the Lord warned us about this warned
it warned us about false prophets of
rising to deceive many
and so revelations 13 7 it says and it
was given unto him to make war with the
Saints there it is again
war with the Saints war with the body of
Christ and to overcome them and power
was given him over all Kindred’s and
tongues and nations and all that dwell
upon the earth shall worship Him whose
names are not written in the book of
life of the lamb slain from the
foundation of the world
If any man
have an ear let him hear and so we have
to make sure that whoever’s listening
that your names are written in the
Lamb’s Book of Life you have to make
sure that you know that you are going to
heaven that you are saying that your
soul is saved that you’re not just just
set a prayer I said Lord to come into my
heart and then you’re you’re living in
the world world and not changing and not
living according to the commandments of
the Word of God and not totally
surrendered Thank You Heavenly Father
listen to this and Luke 14:33 this is
what the Lord said so likewise whosoever
whosoever he be of you that forsake snot
all that he has he cannot be my disciple
he’s talking about a total surrendered
life not holding on to worldly things
not living in the world and not holding
unto worldly things and so Thank You
Heavenly Father and so the Lord said
write my word in your heart to write my
word and it’s his word we need to write
his word in our heart because another
dream that I had is that Bibles were
being outlawed Bibles were being out
Lord and so folks we’re living in the
last days and the Lord is saying write
my word in your heart that we can endure
until the end that we can we can we are
rooted and grounded in the truth the
deceptions that are coming are so great
so great they don’t have words to
describe it they’re so great of many
kinds and we have to know the Word of
so that we’re not deceived and so the
Lord said use this very short time you
to write my word in your heart use of
the the days that you have to prepare
your souls by by being tea by seeking
the Lord with all your heart and by
writing his word in your heart in your
mind the heart doesn’t mind and be
rooted and grounded in my word and if we
look at Ephesians 3:14 through 21 it’s a
prayer for spiritual strength Ephesians
3:14 if you want to go there with me
thank you lord it says for this cause I
bow my knees unto the father of our Lord
Jesus Christ we bow our knees to the
father of our Lord Jesus Christ we don’t
bow our knees to the to the enemy we
don’t bow our knees to the things that
are coming we bow our knees to our – –
unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ
hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of God
be encouraged friends be encouraged
family be encouraged in Jesus name of
whom the whole family in heaven and
earth is named that he would grant you
according to the riches of his glory to
be strengthened with might by his spirit
in the inner man thank you Lord that
Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith
that you being rooted and grounded in
love may be able to comprehend with all
the saints with all things what is the
breadth and length and depth and height
and to know the love of Christ which
passes knowledge that you may be filled
with all the fullness of God now unto
him that is able to do exceedingly
abundantly above all that we ask or
think according to the power that works
in us the power of the Living God unto
him be glory in the church by Christ
Jesus throughout all ages throughout all
ages world without end
amen amen thank you lord thank you lord
Philippians 3 if you want to go there
with me three seven this this is the
mindset of a warrior of Christ folks
listen to this Philippians 3:7 but what
things were gain to me those I counted
loss for Christ the things that were
gaining to me the things that that that
were important to me before this is Paul
speaking he counted it loss for Christ
yes doubtless and I count in doubtless
without any doubt no wavering like
Abraham in Romans for no wavering in
glorifying God and I count all things
about loss for the excellency of the
knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for
whom I have suffered the loss of all
things he suffered everted the loss of
all things and do count them but dung
like rubbish that I may win Christ and
that’s gotta be our mentality our focus
is that we may win Christ that we
continue to strive to enter into that
stray gate as it tells us in Luke 13 we
gotta strive it’s a it’s an agonizing as
a struggle it’s us walking that narrow
road folks it’s not being like everybody
else’s in the world it’s not fitting
into the world it’s because we’re not of
this world
and be found in him not having my own
righteousness which is of the law but
that which is through the faith of
Christ the righteousness which is of God
by faith that I may know him that I may
know him thank you Lord and the power of
his resurrection and the Fellowship of
his sufferings
the Fellowship of his sufferings is
sharing in the sufferings of Jesus the
gospel is a gospel of persecution and
sufferings folk is not a gospel of
kumbaya and everything is great in your
best life now sermons that they give in
the churches today that’s not the Word
of God that I may know him and the power
of his resurrection and the Fellowship
of his sufferings being made conformable
unto his death this is this is speaking
of the the Christian that the life of
the Christian is transformed into the
character of Jesus Christ walking in the
same by the spirit being led by the
spirit and being transformed and we all
struggle folks we all do okay if I any
means I may attain unto the resurrection
of the death that I may attain Paul the
the great Paul that that did all these
things for the Lord and and infra for
God’s people he was not haughty he was
not proud he was always very much in the
fear of God to make sure that he was
walking upright and he was walking in
the truth and so it’s it’s a thank you
Lord very powerful words again
Philippians 3:12 it says not as though I
already attained it’s not like I already
made it it’s not like I’m already there
we’re not already there until we get
there folks either we’re already perfect
but I follow after if that I may
apprehend that for which also I am
apprehended of Christ Jesus brethren I
count not myself to have apprehended I
don’t count myself to already be
two already have made it that I’m all
that and I’m so good is that I don’t
come myself that way but this one thing
I do forgetting those things which are
behind and reaching forth to those
things which are before reaching forth
hit for the things that God has for our
lives and gas has precious things for
each one of our lives regardless of the
darkness of the times regardless of
what’s going on in the world folks and I
press toward the mark for the prize of
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus
and that’s how we are to be to press on
to keep pressing on for that high
calling to press on thank you lord
toward the mark for the price of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus
pressing on to reach to reach that final
mark the finish line of our race of our
of our ministries of our journeys let us
their forests many us be perfect be thus
minded let us all be thus minded have
the same mind the mind of Christ and if
anything if in anything you be otherwise
minded God shall reveal even this unto
you so if your your double minded or if
you’re thinking of different way God
will reveal it to you but we don’t we
want to we want to be of a the same mind
of Christ that we could attain it that
we can reach it and nevertheless were
unto we have already attained let us
walk by the same rule
let us mind the same thing thank you
brethren be followers together of me
because he was following the Lord Jesus
his character was the character of the
Lord Jesus Christ so he was an example
and he’s an example to us and mark them
which walk so as you have us for an
example mark those that walk thank you
Lord for many walk of
I have told you often and now tell you
even weeping that they are the enemies
of the cross of Christ and so we’re
gonna see who send this destruction
whose God is their belly and whose glory
is in their shame who mind earthly
things see this we cannot be minding
earthly things our mind more than ever
has to be set on Christ set on things
above as it tells us in Colossians 3 who
shall change our vile body forgive me I
skip 1 Philippians 3:20 for our
conversation it’s in heaven from whence
also we look for the Savior the Lord
Jesus Christ thank you lord our city our
conversation is talking about our
citizenship our citizenship is in heaven
remember that your citizenship is not of
this world
they’re gonna be forcing people to take
a citizenship of this world and to get
the mark of the beast and to get all
these things that will damned people to
hell and we got to be awake and we got a
surrender to the Lord and endure until
the end if we’re not in if we’re not
surrendered to the Lord and now that we
are still able to relatively free I’m
going to say things are gonna change
fast very fast all over the world and we
got to settle it in our hearts to follow
the Lord to pick up our cross and follow
him and deny ourselves and have our
minds not set on things that are of this
so for our citizenship our conversation
is in heaven from whence also we look
for the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ who
shall change our vile body that it may
be fashioned like unto his glorious body
according to the working whereby he is
able he is able even to subdue all
things unto himself thank you Lord may
you fill us with faith my faith that you
fill your people with mighty mighty
faith in these last days Lord that you
give us such a hunger to seek you and be
with you Lord in Jesus name thank you
thank you Father Colossians 1:23 thank
you lord
Colossians 1:23 it says if you continue
in the faith grounded and settled settle
it in your heart we got to settle it in
our hearts today and be not moved away
from the hope of the gospel which you
have heard and which was preached to
every creature which is under heaven
where of I Paul and made a minister to
be not moved from the hope of the gospel
be not moved away from the hope of the
gospel be not moved away to pasta sighs
to fall away under the pressure the
great pressure that is coming folks the
great pressure that it’ll be put on the
on the body of Christ to renounce the
Lord the great pressure to take the mark
the great pressure to give up our our
faith it’s coming it’s coming
hear me and
we gotta have it settled in our hearts
folks Thank You Heavenly Father he loves
us so much he loves us so much and our
hope is in him he’s our hope of glory
and the mighty wonderful things of we
got to be looking at our eternal life
thank you Lord and that judgment seat of
Christ we got to have the judgment seat
of Christ constantly in our mind and
between our eyes that one day we will
all sit before him and give an account
for the deeds that we did in this life
in our body 2nd Corinthians 5 I’ll start
with 5 9 wherefore we labour that
whether present or absent we may be
accepted of him we labor again we’re
laboring were striving as I was talking
about it talks about it in Luke 13 we
strive with labor that we may whether we
present or absent that we may be
accepted of the Living God for we must
all appear before the judgment seat of
Christ that every one may receive the
things done in the body in his body
according to that he has done whether it
be good or bad knowing therefore the
terror of the Lord praise you Lord
knowing therefore the terror of the Lord
we persuade man we persuade man knowing
that terror of the Lord for those that
deny the Lord but we are made manifest
unto God and I trust also our made
manifest in your consciences I have
shared videos of a very strong
experience that I that the Lord allowed
me to see of seeing the lake of fire
and judge meant day I was judgement day
seeing the lake of fire seeing the
bodies of people burning in hell
seeing them tormented by demons seeing
them in in horror and desperation and no
hope of ever getting out here in the
screams the blood-curdling screams that
never end never end at the top of their
lungs that sounded so ungodly loud and
so tormenting to to any mind to have
that that that noise and and and I say
the noise but the horror that is that is
being done to each one and I knew that
those people that were in there they
denied the Lord they did not receive his
counsel they did not listen to the Lord
they did not hear all the times that the
Lord sent people to them to get their
soul saved they continued living their
lives in the world they were continuing
to live in sin and the day came for them
and they went to hell it was a
horrifying theme folks and so knowing
the terror of the Lord we persuade man
we persuade man for their souls to be
written in the Lamb’s Book of Life thank
you lord
martyrdom is coming folks as well
martyrdom is coming I know this is not
preached than many puppets
thank you lord revelations 24 and I saw
Thrones and they sat upon them and
judgment was given unto them and I saw
the souls of them that were beheaded for
the witness of Jesus and for the word of
God and which had not worshipped the
Beast neither His image okay so the I’ll
finish this in a second but I don’t want
to forget this we only keep hearing the
mark of the beast they the mark of the
beast a RFID chip
it’s not just a mark they had not
worshiped it’s also worshiping the Beast
and that ungodly system neither His
image is also the image of the Beast
neither had received his mark upon their
foreheads or in their hands and they
lived and reigned with Christ a thousand
years but the rest of the Dead lived not
again until the thousand years were
finished this is the first resurrection
blessed and holy is he that has part in
the first resurrection on such the
second death has no power but they shall
be priests of God and of Christ and
shall reign with him a thousand years
the second death is talking about the
lake of fire revelation 6:9 it talks
about the martyrs it says and when he
had opened the fifth seal I saw under
the altar the souls of them that were
slain for the word of God and for the
testimony which they held and they cried
with a loud voice saying how long O Lord
holy and true does thou not judge and
avenge our blood on them that dwell on
the earth and white robes were given
unto every one of them and it was said
unto them that they should rest yet for
a little season
until the fellow their fellow servants
and their brethren that should be killed
as they were should be fulfilled
thank you lord so I pray that this
blesses you I pray that it causes you to
seek the Lord in in in fervency and
diligently for the days are so short
folks and when things start to come down
when judgments start to come down and
and events and things that are coming
that’s not the time to start to do the
work that we need to be doing now that
relationship needs to be with the Lord
Jesus Christ now Thank You Heavenly
Father I love you guys I bless you I
pray for you and I pray that you and
your families are doing the work of the
Lord that are coming closer to the Lord
and that that the Lord is answering your
prayers and keep this ministry in your
prayers please and we need to pray for
each other we need to pray for each
other and keep each other and covered in
prayer and in the blood of Jesus in
these last days
praise some ninety one over your lives
in your family thank you Lord pray the
Psalms over your life the Lord tells me
that pray the Psalms is the Word of God
and you turn it into a prayer it’s very
powerful very powerful okay you can pray
protection with the Psalms there’s many
Psalms that it’s that it’s a regarding
protection I think some 140 is one of
them some 35 is another one some 68 some
71 so read the Psalms and pray them over
your life thank you lord I bless you
guys may you be blessed mightily
empowered full of faith and the peace of
God keep your mind and heart in Jesus
name Amen


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