It Won’t Be As Expected
November 6, 2020 12:45 PM
June C.
Today, I was led to read back over the words received from the Lord and felt He wanted me to share this one. It was received on 9/22/20 at 1:22am. I had been in a ten day fast with prayer and seeking to hear God’s voice about what is coming. This particular night, I was hearing the Holy Spirit speak to me while I slept. I awakened and heeded His voice to go to my prayer closet and pray. This is what I received. Please seek the Lord for confirmation.
Daughter, hear my word today. To live is Christ, to die is gain. Be not afraid of the terrors that are coming on those who don’t know Me. Your job is to be on your knees praying for the lost, the broken, the lonely, the crushed in spirit.
I AM is coming. IT WON’T BE AS EXPECTED. Wait on Me. Listen for My voice. Do not move ahead unless you hear from Me. There is a day coming when there will not be any light, only darkness. Darkness everywhere. Look to Me. I will speak to you how to prepare. You will know when it’s coming and about to be upon you. Do not fear. I AM is with you. I surround you. Listen for Me; wait for Me. Do as I instruct you and you will be protected.
There are many woes coming upon the earth. I have seen enough. I have waited for my children to repent, to seek Me while I may be found, yet they continue in sin; movies, abominations that are too bitter to continue allowing. My little ones have suffered. I said come into Me all who hunger and thirst for righteousness and I will sustain you. I will give you peace. I longed for you but you didn’t heed my voice or listen for My call. You were too busy pursuing the things of this world that can’t and won’t satisfy your souls.
Yes, I have prepared a place for those who have prepared their hearts and sought Me in the secret place. I long to greet you in My kingdom and show you all the great things in My heaven. Yet a little while longer you will need to tarry before your time has come. Continue to pray and seek Me. I will speak to you as you have desired. I am pleased when you come to Me in the secret place and read my words of life. No more pain, no more sorrow. No more tears for tomorrow.
When you seek Me, you will find Me. I love you with an everlasting love. Let my kindness lead you to repentance and follow the path that leads to life. Woes! Woe upon woe. They are coming. Prepare yourself. Do not get caught back up in the things that don’t satisfy the soul. Come to the well and drink of the Spirit where there is refreshing for your soul.
Sorrow is coming. Do not be afraid. I AM will walk beside you each step of the way, the day, as it comes quickly. Be prepared. Seek Me for your strength, for your sustenance for I AM the Bread of Life and in me you will not be afraid of the terrors. You are not alone. I walk beside you. I AM in you and your strength will be found in Me. Listen only for My voice and I will guide you. Don’t turn to the left or the right unless you hear My voice. I AM is guiding you. Be not afraid. Love, your Heavenly Father.
June C.
Watching and Waiting