‘It Was Rigged’ ‘It’s Not Over’ ‘ I AM SOVEREIGN’
November 8, 2020 11:57 AM
In the aftermath of America’s high stakes Presidential election, the world and everyone in it knows by now that Joe Biden has been declared President elect of the United States. For many it was shocking to hear that President Trump would not continue his term of office in order to fulfill his prophetic destiny. On 11.6.20 I received a message and on 11.7.20 the following words of confirmation from the Holy Spirit.
‘It was rigged’
‘It’s not over’
The message follows:
Daughter the end is near. The world will be in travail soon as the election results come to a close. The winner of the election has been predetermined BUT I TOO HAVE A PLAN. Many masterminds are at play here with high stakes to win the election at all costs – BUT I HAVE A PLAN. I have said that My word will not return void and I mean what I say. I am not a man that I should lie nor will I leave or forsake you. In the days ahead My children will learn to trust Me their Savior and Lord. It is easy to pay Me lip service when things are going smoothly but not so pleasant when things go awry.
My word will not return void but will usher in the return of the evil one, the Beast and the Beast system. Everything has been laid out. All the players are assembled and the stage is ready for what comes. Your king is a key player in this drama that ushers in the New World system that will collapse the institutions and freedoms you once knew. Soon a decision will have to be made regarding your Presidential election. KNOW THAT MY HAND IS UPON THE WORLD’S POLITICAL STAGE AND THINGS ONLY HAPPEN IF I ALLOW IT. I AM SOVEREIGN and MY people must open their eyes and see the deceit all around them – but also My SOVEREIGN HAND In this political farce. The man who is your leader (President Trump) will be reinstated but know that his fall is imminent as justice must prevail in this hour. I have asked My people to repent and their king to acknowledge Me but all to no avail. The world is too busy playing politics to consider Me the GREAT I AM – but there will come a day when all will know My name.
I come soon children upon the clouds of glory upon glory
Your Savior Lord and King Yeshua
Jesus the Christ
Amen Amen It is So
God’s word will not return void but the body of Christ is also called to speak out and declare His word and will upon the earth. The church must stand strong in the face of adversity and not buckle as the world around falls into darkness. Let us stand and continue standing until Jesus returns. Amen.