May 1, 2020 7:03 AM
Collins Ouma
I will gather My chosen vessels equip, train, and fully transform them with the power of My Holy Spirit. Just as it was with the Apostles at Pentecost so shall it be with My chosen vessels. I shall gather them together as one in one Accord in My Holy Mountain: a place l chose before eternity for this purpose.
They will be trained and equipped for My work. At the end of the days which shall not be many, they shall fully be baptized by My Holy Spirit just as it were with the Apostles and the first church.
Not all of My children were gathered at the upper room but only the Apostles and the others that were chosen with them yet I had so many who believed and walked with Me .so shall be with My children; I am of old. I change not, And there is nothing new under the sun.
Just as the early first revival begun at Pentecost shall the last end-time revival begun in great power and glory at the climax of this gathering.
Many souls shall be harvested unto My kingdom: just like it was with the first revival.
As the early church rose in glory so shall this last and end time church rise in greater glory.
At the end of Pentecost, the Apostles were scattered and they brought revival in various areas My Spirit moved to witness in great power and glory; so shall the transformed be scattered all over the world bringing revival and a great awakening in all the places I shall take them. Just as I acted with the early church at the of Pentecost so shall I do and act with the elect, My chosen vessels.
Just as persecution increased after I erupted and manifested My church in great power and glory during the Apostles so shall it be with you My chosen vessels.
As My church is rising up in great power and glory so shall the level of persecution increased and spread quic kly all over against My true church.
Fear not, just as I was with the early Apostles so shall I be with you for I will lead and guide in every step.