November 11, 2020 11:39 AM
The Kings Daughter Yahuah Yahusha
I received this message from The Father this morning and felt lead to share it with you. Please put it out there for others. I don’t have a channel or followers. Thank you. May YAHUAH bless you.
It is not over. Trump will win. He will be president for a while longer. It will not last long. He will be killed & Obama will be back. This is what I say…
It will happen. Things don’t always happen the way world expects it to, & I do not give everything to anyone. I give different pieces of the puzzle to different watchmen. But even still no one knows tr he exact time or way things will happen. Your time is not the same as my time. Soon for me isn’t soon for you. Some say I’ve been saying soon for years do you not know 1 day is a 1000 days for Me! I created all things do you think I didn’t create time? Do you think I lie? I DO NOT. I AM perfect, I AM that I AM. Trust me turn away this world for IT IS FINISHED!