Israel WILL acknowledge her Messiah The U.S. will bow down under my Judgement – Anonymous
Received 3-28-18
Read Hosea 2
1 Corinthians 14:5
In The Spirit I heard, “Noah”
Then this:
“Do you not realize, Daughter, that by Noah merely building the Ark – his actions were in effect prophesying to his people about their demise?
Do not fear The Words I ask you to speak. There may be some who do not agree or like hearing them but what you say, are not your words – but WORDS from The Father. Israel WILL acknowledge her Messiah
The U.S. will bow down under my Judgement.
Prophesy, Daughter!
YOU were elected by MY WILL. But not as a Cyrus. Yes, your people asked for a “king.” They demanded prosperity. But in the middle of their cries they neglected to examine their own hearts. Their hearts were corrupted by greed. By idols. And above all, false worship.
Many still see you as a Cyrus, and you will be used to accomplish MY WILL. But since your election you have failed to submit to me and to lead The People of this land into a state of repentance.
Merely “attending church” on a Sunday morning does not “qualify nor quantify” as redeemed or restored. Just as when Abel’s blood was shed – the blood of “unwanted” babies cries out and the sound is deafening. Maybe if you could hear what we, The Father, The Ruach and The Son do, you would understand???
Injustice runs much further and deeper though than almost any can imagine and most have enough reminders each time they turn on their nightly “news.”
Suffice it to say – to paraphrase Ruth Bell Graham “If God doesn’t Judge America – he will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.” True, words – from Daughter Ruth….based on Ezekiel 16:49-50.
My Children – those who know my voice know that Israel and especially Jerusalem is a prophetic marker in Biblical time. Right now, she is at “boiling point.” It is high time my chosen people learn who Messiah is.”
Yesterday, I really had to talk to Jesus about the meaning of the Scripture in Psalms 122:6 “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.”
As we talked, I understood this Scripture is actually a Prophetic prayer intended for a specific time on God’s calendar. It has been the The Will of God to prepare his Jewish family for the Days to come (Revelation)…Thus, even though there has been on-going strife since 1948 this specific verse of prayer will have new meaning.
“It is now time to finish Prophesying, Daughter”
“Yes, Lord”
“Daughter, Prophesy My WORDS…
To The Nation of Israel: You have been my chosen people since the beginning. I have loved you as I loved my own Son – But you did not love My Son. You not only rejected Him – but have since then turned your back even unto His sacrificial gift of life.
I have weighed your sins – observed your handling of my temple and have watched my son cry tears for too long over that which you treat with contempt.
You acknowledge The Sovereign God as your Creator but have been blinded to the reality of who my Yahushua is and what He has done out of My great love for you. Therefore, I shall now invoke verse 122:6 of Psalms.
The People shall now be taught my commandments and my laws – that they may live. My Laws are as the Apple of Thine Eye (Proverbs 7:2) and ALL will recognize that my plan was fulfilled a very long time ago. You shall see Jerusalem invaded and will finally understand the true implications, applications and meaning of Psalm 122. Soon – very soon – every mouth WILL be praying for Jerusalem’s Peace and when the HamaShiach’s name is Blessed – EVERY knee WILL finally BOW!
To Israel’s Sister & Ally
The mirror of your existence will suffer the same fate as that of my beloved land. You call yourself a Christian Nation but your pagan practices do not reflect what My Son – Your Savior was born into the earth for.
I gave you “the king” you asked for, but he and his counselors have been led astray – and led your countrymen down the wide path. The “reprieve” was a mythical lie – that most ate up like cotton candy. Do you now see how that cotton candy was as a “mist of vapor”?
You do not know and have not seen the full picture – but you shall. Your fate shall be as that of Israel’s and Jerusalem as well. Your idols shall not be able to help you and you shall watch your leaders crumble – you have already begun to witness this. That was just the beginning….
Prepare your hearts and minds for what is ahead. Submerge yourself in my word according to Psalm 139:23-24 and seek Jesus (Yahushua’s) protection (Psalm 91/Psalm 23).
My promises in scripture will be your only life vest: use them.
Guard your hear and your mind: Judgement Commences –
In The Name of Jesus The Christ,
and The Ruach Ha Kodesh –
I AM The I AM”
Isaiah 26
Isaiah 27
Isaiah 28
(As with all Words, please seek The Spirit for confirmation)