Jan 9, 2020 9:16 AM
Collins Ouma
Greetings brethren in the name of our Lord. I received this word amidst many other which I will post here while at the mountain during my 7day fast and pray.Sorry i pray too much.Thats the mission and office the Lord called me into.So immediately after my 21st day prayer and fasting which ended on 31st Dec 2019,i was instructed to climb the mountain for another 7day fast for there is a lot of revelations and knowledge the Lord wanted to pass over so that I may relay to His Sons and Daughters all over the world.So this is one among the many messages He has so far relayed to me through His Holy Spirit while at the mountain:
Do not think the war already seen between Iran and USA will decrease. It will escalate and will bring in other nations and this will fuel worldwide destruction and usher in the greatest war ever seen on the face of the earth. And the animosity between muslims and Christians will so much deepen and widen and therefore the false prophet and the ANTICHRIST shall arise to offer the world a fake peace agreement and unite the whole world under a one religion movement where all religions will be lumped together as worshipping one true God. Do not be fooled .Stay alert My children and do not enter into any alliance with the enemy and his trickery rather expose him,his schemes and plots that many of My people may not be ensared and enslaved.
Thank you brethren,
Shalom and love
Br Collins Ouma
Busia Kenya
(Next post is about THE TWO WITNESSES)