Interpretation: Rampage Dream by Averine Pennington
June 28, 2022 7:59 PM
Michelle Katherine Orts
Tuesday, June 28th, 2022
Hi 444ProphecyNews/Jonathan,
I am submitting this research and an encouraging interpretation regarding “Evanston, The Double Stone, The Double Interpretation,” that I was given by Jesus’ Holy Spirit for Averine Pennington’s recent dream , “Rampage,
“ regarding Evanston, Illinois.
In King Jesus’ Service,
Michelle Katherine Orts aka TurtleDove and wife to my loving husband Apostolic Reverend/Pastor David Orts
These are some of the historical and current facts that I discovered about Evanston, Illinois’ history that I was led by Jesus to share. I want to tell Averine Pennington and everyone else carrying a “Holy Burden of Warning from The Lord,” that I understand how difficult it is to give a warning from God. We must each prayerfully and correctly discern The Word, The Dream, The vision, and we must acknowledge The Holy Spirit weighing the importance of obeying God and then we MUST simply obey no matter what!
Obeying God must come first above everything. We are each Gifted uniquely but not preferentially since God is not a respector of persons. God’s Word rightly Divides between Truth and falsity and as we know, God’s Word is referred to by God in The Bible as “The Two-Edged (Double Edged) Sword” and this Double Sharp Spiritual Holy Living Logos is our Offensive Weapon in All things pertaining to obtaining Eternal Life and Godliness as well as how to live an “Abundant Life” as a Christian while here on earth.
We are all apportioned Divinely with a set amount of Faith by Creator God and we will also be each Judged by Creator God individually according to what He has given each one of us to do. I do know that none of us, who want to obey God, who love God and who love our Sisters and Brothers, want to instill any fear or cause any division or strife. God never withholds any Good Thing from His Own. Sometimes Good Things come in the form of Warnings from God’s Prophets.
I had a similar warning that Averine Pennington did. I wrote about it in, “Hezekiah’s Unique Second Passover and The Beast System Plans.”
I understand the hesitancy in wanting to share these serious Words of Warning from God. Just ten (10) days after published that Rhema Word/Dream and Teaching given to me by Jesus, nineteen (19) children and two (2) teachers were massacred in their school classrooms Uvalde, Texas. The police allegedly refused to interfere or to enter the classroom to rescue anyone. The Dream I had received and which was published was a very real WARNING from Creator God Jesus for us to PROTECT THE CHILDREN. Is anyone listening?
Please listen to what Averine Pennington received from Jesus in that dream, “Rampage.”
A Prayer to firstly individually and to corporately pray in agreement for all of us in The Global End Time Warrior Remnant in Jesus’ Name.
Father God, We pray for the safety for all children and innocent citizens in every community, including Evanston, Illinois and we intercede for every State, County and City, Town or Village within our US Republic, as well as everywhere in the world. Dear Jesus we claim Your Holy Protective Presence, Salvation and Deliverance obtained by The Shedding of Your Holy Sinless Sacrificial Blood for all of mankind’s (our) sins. We receive by Faith through Grace Salvation, Deliverance and Protection from all Evil, now and Eternally, in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Thank You Jesus for going out before us placing a hedge of Protection around ALL of Your (Triune Creator God’s) Children by Your Own Hand and Sending out Holy Angels to Guard Your Own. We ask Jesus, for Your Holy Spirit to guide each one of us and our children and grandchildren every single day for every single step we take. Thank You, Father God, Jesus/Yeshua Ha Mashiach God in the flesh and Holy Spirit for hearing and answering our prayers in advance!
In Jesus’ Name we pray Amen.
Evanston = Double Stone, The Double Interpretation.
Evan = Eben = Stone in Hebrew
Evanston = Double Stone
Evan= Stone + Ston = Stone = 2 Stones = Double Stone
Here is my summary of some facts about the location and focus of Averinne Penningtons dream of Evanston, Illinois.
There was built a well known historic house in the founding of Evanston. It was historically known as “The Double House.”
There was a famous dispute over the chains dividing the driveway which prevented passage of the homes inhabitants through the drive thru “U” Horseshoe shaped driveway of the infamous, “Double House.”
The “Double House” and its inhabitants along with its posh neighbors sharing the same street petitioned the local governance to rule that their street would remain soley “A Pleasure Boulevard.”
The Double House started a trend of many Double Houses being commissioned and built by an architect.
There were historic documented, publicized and alleged routinely racist hiring practices committed by the inhabitants of those who inhabited The Double House as well as those who lived in the neighborhood of homes lining “The Pleasure Boulevard,”
Evanston became known for a Double Reason.
Lavish “Double” Homes…
and Evanston’s lavish lifestyle led by its residents with many festivities, parties, events, galas and dinners by its elite hosting community leaders.
The Town’s Vision Statement/Motto remains to this day,
“Creating the most livable city in America.”
There is no mention in my brief research and online perusal of Evanston being historically family friendly or children being a blessing by God to its residents in the reported history of Evanston though its founders were allegedly faithful Episcopal Church goers and its town is famous for being a College Town home to NorthWestern University..
Evanston is Celebrating its 125th Anniversary of its Annual Meeting of its History Center tomorrow, June 29th, 2022 with Keynote Speaker, Rachel Jennens, EHC Costume Curator, who will be discussing the current exhibit
“Suits Me: An exploration of uniformity and self-expression in public attire.”
125 in Thayers’s Greek means “Egypt DOUBLE STRAITS!”
My opinion of why Averine Pennington was shown Evanstone Illinois as the geographical focal point in her dream and the danger to children as the prayer point is that Jesus is trying to warn us of the strategy of the enemy. Satan wants to attack this Last Generation which has been prophesied to be The Elisha Generation. Just like Elisha received The Double Portion from God when he witnessed Elijah’s departure from earth in a giant whirlwind, we are preparing for the Departure of Our Last Generation.
But before we are all “caught up” or “Raptured” on The Last Day, we need God’s Anointing to remain Faithful, Steadfast, Strong, Bold and Courageous. We who know Jesus need God’s Double Portion, Double Anointing to be able to withstand the onslaught and continuous attacks by the enemy of God, Satan and his puppet hirelings. The Bible states that The Anti-Christ will attempt to “Weary The Saints.” We need A Double Portion of God’s Latter Rain, His Holy Spirit’s Refreshing to endure.
I believe there are many layers to God’s written Word as well as to God’s Prophetic Rhema Words which we receive in dreams and visions.
I believe that Jesus is showing us that we need to focus on our existence in Christ Jesus as being LIVING STONES. Jesus is BOTH The Foundational Chief Cornerstone as well as The Final Headship as The Capstone. We who belong to Jesus must collectively unite in The Power of Jesus’ Holy Spirit to allow Our Master Builder to Assemble us in these Last Days to become The Holy Third Temple. We must not allow Satan to penetrate our walls or enter the doors or any access points of God’s Holy Third Temple. We must not allow entry into our hearts or homes to any Abomination or Mark of The Beast.
I was shown by Jesus previously that there is a Double meaning to being The Holy Temple of God. We are individually Temples of The Living God. God’s Holy Spirit takes up residence in every true believer. Jesus was is and always will be The First Born of The First Fruits. Jesus was 100% God in 100% human flesh yet was without any sin. We who in physical bodies also have Eternal Spirits housed within. Yet we are all sinners and need Redemption by Jesus’ The Sinless Spotless Holy Lamb of God.
When our temporal, corruptible, sinful physical flesh no longer continues to house our Eternal Spirit, then, we who know Jesus are instantly present with Creator God Jesus Yeshua. We shall go to be with Our Eternal Creator Jesus Forever.
Those without Jesus as their Savior will go to Hell which is prepared for Satan and his rebellious Fallen Angels. No human should want to go there. It will be Eternal Torment in The Lake of Fire. If you do not know Jesus as your Eternal Savior. Repent. RIGHT NOW!
It is written in God’s Holy Word that, The Latter Rain shall be Greater than The Former Rain. We have, most of us who know Jesus or who are active in The PROPHETIC MINISTRY, heard many times a Prophetic Word commonly spoken, “You shall receive Double for your Trouble”
This is that time.
Press into God for the fulfillment of your individual and corporate High Callings to be fulfilled. Love each other Double. Pray Double Time and Repent seeking Holiness with Double Sincerity.
Jesus wants to Doubly Bless and Protect His Own with a Double Impartation right now. Receive The Double Anointing and Double Portion from Jesus our Gracious and Most Generous Creator God. Shout Praise to Abba Father for His Father’s Love is Pure, Holy and Righteous! Shout, Sing and Dance giving all Glory to God in Jesus’ Yeshua Ha Mashiach’s Holy and MIGHTY Name above all names. Thank Jesus’ Holy Spirit Who is The Third Person present right now with every single believer in Jesus. Thank Holy Spirit for helping us to Endure Godly Trials and ungodly tests by The Enemy of God. Thank Holy Spirit Who is Helping us all to Persevere and to Triumph and is Finishing us all to collectively become The Third Temple = The Holy Spotless Bride of Christ Jesus for Our Kingly Warrior Husband Jesus is Coming To Rescue us and Israel On The Last Day!
In Jesus’ Holy Agape Love,
Michelle Katherine Orts aka TurtleDove and wife to my loving husband Apostolic Reverend/Pastor David Orts
Resources/Links used for my research: