Interpretation of Dogs, Bees, & Bridesmaids
April 1, 2022 11:27 PM
Nurse Ashley
I have been praying for discernment and clarification over interpretation I have seen in relation to Michelle Katherine Orts message from March 27,2022 entitled: Dying Dogs and Contaminated Bees: Nuclear Fallout! – Michelle Katherine Orts.
I was not actually seeking anything for this message, but I always pray that if God wants to use me in any way, I am His to use. I have only posted on this site once and that was back in February when I was given 2 dreams and the message is titled: 2 Dreams – Ashley.
With that being said, I’ll refer to myself as Nurse Ashley since there has been other women by my name also give messages.
Days after I had read Michelle’s dream, I was scrolling and come across the Tucker Carlson report about how Twitter banned the Babylon Bee for calling out Rachel Levine as being “woman of the year”, saying “she” is really ” man of the year”. It can be seen on link below on rumble.
For those who don’t know what the Babylon Bee is it is a satire site that writes satire about Christian, political, and everyday life topics.
This caught my attention about the “Contaminated Bees.” I had learned in church the previous Sunday that in order to know if something is from God, it will always be backed up with Scripture somehow. I went searching for the “dog” interpretation since the Lord had caught my attention with the bee and I found this:
14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. Revelation 22:14-15
Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. Philippians 3:2
It immediately hit me that I was being shown how the world is already so contaminated by “dogs” such as Rachel Levine, a biological man, pediatrician, turned woman.
The dogs are dying, especially if they do not repent. It is also a reminder to all of us to wash our robes in repentance. This message is hard. Mckana had a message recently that confirmed to me that the hard messages have to be given and repentance has to be voiced. I was not shown or linked to anything involving a nuclear component, only how contaminated the world is currently. There could possibly be more interpretation for this dream of Michelle’s, but this is all that I have been shown pertaining to dogs and bees.
Around this same time frame I was figuring this interpretation out, ( late March) I had a dream which was very short. I was a sloppy bridesmaid. What I mean by this is I was not dressed and ready to walk down the isle when it was my turn, I had lost my flowers I was suppose to carry, and my hair was not done. I threw myself together, without the flowers, and walked down this isle. Dream ended.
Interpretation: We want to be ready for Jesus and be the Bride, not the Bridesmaid and not miss the boat so to speak. This is backed up by Scripture in Mathew 25: The parble of the 10 virgins. After this dream, I immediately prayed to Jesus that He would see me worthy as a Bride and not a Bridesmaid.
Please take everything to the Lord.
Your sister in Christ,
Nurse Ashley