Warning, Prayer Request

In the nightwatch…. – Pamela G


In the nightwatch….

April 30, 2022 8:35 AM
Pamela G

April 30th, 3 am.

The Lord woke me up today during the night to remind me to prayer over May 1st/Beltane, the days preceeding and following it as well.

This is a fire feast of sex and blood rituals at one of the quarter posts of the year. It is the polar opposite of Halloween and in the southern hemisphere it is indeed Halloween!
Great darkness is generated during this ritual season leading up to the summer solstice June 20-21st.

The Lord kept me up for awhile to pray over this! Please join with me in covering this season in the blood of Jesus and asking forgiveness for sins occurring at this time. Let’s also pray for the forgiveness and salvation of the perpetrators and freedom for the victims caught up in this dark nightmare, many of whom are seeking a way of escape. Pray that they will come to salvation through Jesus Christ now!

Pray also against the spirit of chaos that runs amuck during this season as well. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer. He always knows best how to direct us in prayer. If you have a prayer language in the Spirit this is a good time to use it to keep you off the enemies radar and to allow for a pure stream of Holy Spirit prayer power to flow thru you which the enemy can not discern.

Fasting in prayer as well is also highly effective to break these chains of darkness over people’s lives, especially for those caught up in the occult.

How good is our God that He always confirms His directions to us in His word. In my bible reading time this morning He led me to these scriptures.

Psalm 63: 6-8
When I remember you on my bed, I meditate on you in the night watches. Because you have been my help, therefore in the shadow of your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me.

Praise You and thank you Jesus for your loving guidance and support daily in our lives. We truly rejoice in you and give you all the glory! You have defeated the darkness and have given us victory through Your precious redeeming blood!

Love and prayers to you my brothers and sisters; I lift you up before the throne of God in Jesus name!
Pamela G.


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