In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses!
May 1, 2020
2 Corinthians 13:1 (KJV) This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.
The Lord says “The Two—”
April 28, 2020. 12:42 AM
Just 42 minutes past midnight, high up in the heavens I heard “The Two —.” What came to my mind is, first does the Lord mean to say only two people are going to be redeemed? desperate enough to think only two to be redeemed. Then I thought two witnesses? It bothered me a little and my concern grew by the seconds and start thinking. I know and heard in my spirit two for sure and the nature of the two was my question. The latter understanding is “Two witnesses” and anther question came, what is the time? are these two, the two witnesses in the Book of Revelation? At the moment I didn’t get an answer but my concern about who is to be redeemed is give. Seeing my desperate look for an answer the Lord says “Almighty God will leave no stone unturned to Redeem His children.” I recorded the later and left my doubt in limbo about the first, still pondering on it.
Today, after listening to our Sister Kim, I prayed and inquired about what I heard. The word of knowledge I received of “The two People” or “The two witnesses” came to me as a reminder that I was told days ago. As to my understanding, the two humble servants of the Lord who shared their testimonies about The Great Revival are our Brother JEFF BYERLY “The Book of Acts 2.0 APRIL 30, 2020 JEFF BYERLY, HOLY SPIRIT WIND.“ and Sister KIM CHADWELL “TWENTY-ONE DAY WARNING, MAY 1, 2020, KIM CHADWEL.”
As all of us can see, now, time is real short. The Lord speaks through many of His loyal servants and indeed there are many more who shared the same testimony. I am just delivering what I received. Listen to the word given for both and to other brothers and sisters, pray on it and make yourselves Ready. Then we say the truth is well established by the mouth of two or more witnesses.
Isn’t the Lord amazing, a witness of the witnesses! We all have work to do!
Repent! Repent! Repent!