In the darkest of days known to man, these shall come forth as my shining lights unto the world
July 3, 2020 3:00 AM
Patti Young
The presence of the Lord filled my room tonight and he spoke these words to me.
“The sick, the well, the blind, the infirm, the old, the young, the rich, the poor, all of these I will lead, in the final exodus of mankind. I will come and visit my people. These will walk in me, I will be their strength, their sight, their health, their youth, their sustenance to carry them. In the darkest of days known to man, these shall come forth as my shining lights unto the world. The works that I do these shall also do, for it is I that work through them. I AM their beginning, and I shall be their end. Come forth oh Jacob, who can stop the Army of God, who can stop my coming and appearing unto all the earth and the nations? It is I oh Israel, I come as the deliverer for my people.
Tho darkness shall now rise up in the kingdoms of man, my word shall now come forth as it has been written.There shall no longer be hunger for bread and for water in the dry barren land, for I AM the Bread of Life and I AM the Living water. Freely I give the gift of Life. Your money your gold, your idols of wood and stone, these I shall slaughter and tear down before me, for is it not written thou shall have no other Gods before me?
You harlot oh Jezebel did you not see that your final day would come? Did you not see that I who have eyes to see all that is hidden would search and find all of your sins before me? Your hour has come, a nation that will no longer be known as you were known, and those who have eyes to see you will look and say, surely the time has come that this nation has been judged by a God that is no longer covering her because of her abominations.
What is an abomination to God mean? It describes anything that God finds detestable, especially idolatry (worshiping false gods). It is translated from a number of Hebrew and Greek words, several of which mean "to stink" (e.g., Exodus 7:18). An abomination is something that God detests and finds rotten and vile. Source: